- A
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Recommendations Unavailable
Policy recommendations not available for this country's assessment
Is there formal provision for effective and independent legislative scrutiny of defence policy?
Benin national constitution, LOI N° 90-32 du 11 Décembre 1990, Article 79 -paragraph 2
Benin Parliament Regulation, Article 29-5, http://ddata.over-blog.com/xxxyyy/1/35/48/78/Benin/RI-Assemblee-Nationale-BENIN.pdf
Service militaire: Les députés interpellent le gouvernement - Cosme KEKE - Adjinakou (2013) , http://construirelebenin.over-blog.com/article-service-militaire-les-deputes-interpellent-le-gouvernement-117443874.html
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', (Geneva: Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008) 79-102
Théodore C. Loko, “Benin,” in Perspectives on Security Sector Governance in Francophone West Africa, ed. Alan Bryden and Boubacar N’Diaye (Geneva: DCAF, 2011)
Opinion: Not Qualified
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Although all the systems for oversight are in place, following comprehensive reforms in the 1990s, there is a degree of self-censorship and limited capacity when it comes to security measures. For example, records showed that in 2004, only four questions on security were asked by the legislature in debates. Where the legislature does make enquiries, they have vague responses and rarely produce binding recommendations.
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', (Geneva: Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008) 79-102
Théodore C. Loko, “Benin,” in Perspectives on Security Sector Governance in Francophone West Africa, ed. Alan Bryden and Boubacar N’Diaye (Geneva: DCAF, 2011)
Suggested score: 3
Does the country have an identifiable and effective parliamentary defence and security committee (or similar such organisation) to exercise oversight?
Researcher4326: The commission on external relations, cooperation, defence and security is one of Benin parliament's five standing committees - these are formed once every four years, following after legislative elections.
The commission scrutinises all aspects of defence and security issues. The Constitution gives Parliament regulation full power to define commissions' role. In Article 29, Paragraph 2, the regulation indicates that the defence and security commission is responsible for exercising oversight. Greater detail is not available however - there is insufficient evidence to see whether the committee has the power to summon expert witnesses.
The reviewers' comments are welcomed and their sources added to the main question.
Benin national constitution, LOI N° 90-32 du 11 Décembre 1990, Article 89 - http://www.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/fr/bj/bj001fr.pdf
Benin Parliament Regulation, Article 29-5, http://ddata.over-blog.com/xxxyyy/1/35/48/78/Benin/RI-Assemblee-Nationale-BENIN.pdf
L'évènement précis - Entretien avec le député Isidore Gnonlonfoun, président de la commission des relations extérieures:« L’objectif, c’est d’apporter notre contribution à l’édification d’une Assemblée nationale au service de la nation », 11/14/2012, http://levenementprecis.com/2012/11/14/entretien-avec-le-depute-isidore-gnonlonfoun-president-de-la-commission-des-relations-exterieures-lobjectif-cest-dapporter-notre-contribution-a-ledificatio/
24h au Bénin - Le gouvernement interpellé sur le problème de l’insécurité qui sévit dans nos villes,04/23/2013, http://www.beninsite.net/spip.php?article10153
African Security Sector Network, 'INTERACTIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT OF THE DEFENCE AND SECURITY COMMITTEES OF BENIN AND TOGO.' 2008, http://www.africansecuritynetwork.org/site/components/com_medialibrary/emedia/Workshop%20Report%20-%20Parliamentary%20oversight%20of%20the%20security%20sector%20an%20interactive%20needs.pdf
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: While the formal structure and role of the committee is enshrined in the Constitution, and the committee retains the prerogative to conduct oversight, it remains susceptible to pressure from the executive branch and ruling party through the parliamentary system and therefore cannot be considered completely free from influence.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: The committee is made up of both civil servants and former officers (individuals are required to leave the armed forces in order to run for parliament). The presence of former members of the armed forces allows for greater scrutiny of issues relating to defence and security. However, in 2008, the head of the committee, Venance Gnigla, commented that the breadth of topics the committee must cover limits its ability to concentrate on (or comprehensively respond to) defence and security issues.
SECURITY COMMITTEES OF BENIN AND TOGO.' 2008, http://www.africansecuritynetwork.org/site/components/com_medialibrary/emedia/Workshop%20Report%20-%20Parliamentary%20oversight%20of%20the%20security%20sector%20an%20interactive%20needs.pdf
Suggested score:
Is the country's national defence policy debated and publicly available?
Researcher4326: In 2000, Benin launched the Vision Alafia 2025, a strategy document for 25 years. On pages 120 to 122, defence and security strategies are available. The document has been debated and is publicly available. Except this, there is no evidence that Benin has a national defence policy.
But the General organisation of the national defence designs Benin general vision on security and defence. It has not been debated publicly, but it is available to the public.There is no formal consultation process involving the public and the legislature has only limited influence over policy.
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 2
Minsistère du Plan, &quoute;Vision Benin Alafia 2015&quoute;,(Porto Novo, 2000),120-122 - https://www.africaportal.org/sites/default/files/Benin%202025%20Alafia_0.pdf
O'Neil, Carolyn. &quoute;National Security and RTI in Benin&quoute;,Pretoria Finalization Meeting April 2013 documents, Pretoria, http://www.right2info.org/resources/publications/pretoria-finalization-meeting-april-2013-documents/national-security-and-rti-in-benin/at_download/file
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Do defence and security institutions have a policy, or evidence, of openness towards civil society organisations (CSOs) when dealing with issues of corruption? If no, is there precedent for CSO involvement in general government anti-corruption initiatives?
Researcher4326: The Ministry of Defence (MoD) started collaborating with civil society members, including journalists and academics, in 2003 to stop the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons in Benin through the National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons. Many workshops were organised and put together the military authority, civilians, media leaders, academia and NGOs. However, this is the only one issue on which the army and CSO collaborated; with no further information found being regarding collaboration on issues of corruption.
However, civil society organisations in the country such as Alcrer NGO, FONAC are well-established are committed to anticorruption issues.
O'Neil, Carolyn. &quoute;National Security and RTI in Benin&quoute;,Pretoria Finalization Meeting April 2013 documents, Pretoria, http://www.right2info.org/resources/publications/pretoria-finalization-meeting-april-2013-documents/national-security-and-rti-in-benin/at_download/file
Panapress, &quoute;Une commission de lutte contre les armes légères au Bénin&quoute; February 14, 2003, http://www.panapress.com/Une-commission-de-lutte-contre-les-armes-legeres-au-Benin--13-688361-17-lang4-index.html
La Nouvelle Tribune - Lutte contre la corruption au Bénin : 5 ans après la marche verte, la corruption plus que jamais promue, Léonce Gamaï, http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/benin/11563-lutte-contre-la-corruption-au-benin-5-ans-apres-la-marche-verte-la-corruption-plus-que-jamais-promue
Gerddes Afrique. &quoute;Activités&quoute; at http://site.gerddes.org/activites/. Last accessed Jun 22, 2015.
Bertelsmann Stiftung, &quoute;BTI 2014 — Benin Country Report&quoute;. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2014
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Relations between CSOs and the ruling party and executive branch are set to become increasingly fraught as the president maneuvers towards a constitutional amendment allowing him a third term. Transparency and governance reform activists are likely to be even further excluded from any policy-making processes if Boni is successful.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: There is very limited interaction between the military and CSOs, but there are examples of NGOs supporting training for various elements of the armed forces. The NGOs are supported by international donors, but civil society institutions are well-established in Benin, and have previously wielded significant influence, notably around elections. Organisations such as Gerddes Afrique have previously researched topics related to the military.
Gerddes Afrique. &quoute;Activités&quoute; at http://site.gerddes.org/activites/. Last accessed Jun 22, 2015.
Bertelsmann Stiftung, &quoute;BTI 2014 — Benin Country Report&quoute;. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2014
Suggested score: 1
Has the country signed up to international anti-corruption instruments such as, but not exclusively or necessarily, UNCAC and the OECD Convention? (In your answer, please specify which.)
Researcher4326: Benin has ratified UNCAC, the UN Convention Against Corruption, the ECOWAS Anticorruption Protocol and the African Union Anti-corruption Convention but there is limited evidence of compliance with any of these conventions.
However, as Benin is neither a member of the OECD nor a full participant in the OECD working group on bribery, it has not signed the OECD Convention on Foreign Bribery.
The Peer Reviewers' comments have been taken into account and their additional sources added.
Eyebiyi, Elieth. &quoute;Aperçu sur l’état de la Corruption et de l’anti-Corruption dans l’espace Communal au Bénin&quoute;, Ministry of local governance, Cotonou, April 2014, http://www.u4.no/assets/articles/Benin-Rapport-Apercu-Etat-corruption-anticorruption-niveau-communal.pdf
United Nations Convention against Corruption Signature and Ratification Status as of 2 April 2014, http://www.unodc.org/unodc/fr/treaties/CAC/signatories.html
Freedom House, 'Benin: Freedom in the World Yearbook 2014', last accessed June 22, 2015 https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2014/benin#.VYOhpflViko
International Association of Anti-Corruption Agencies, 'Zimbabwe, Johannes TOMANA' last accessed June 22, 2015, http://www.iaaca.org/documents/Presentation/The5thIAACASeminar/201306/t20130625_1141764.shtml
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Corruption is criminalised in legislation through Articles 166 to 183 of the Criminal Code, Articles 35 and 37 of the Beninese Constitution, as well as in the Criminal Procedures Code.
In 2011, the government issued a decree forming the New Generation Import Verification Program in an attempt to counter customs fraud at the port of Cotonou, although corruption in the import/export process remains a significant problem.
Other measures enacted by the government since ratification of UNCAC include:
- An anti-graft bill in 2011 requiring reporting of assets and income by senior civil servants.
- The 2009 establishment of the Cellule Nationale de Traitement des Informations Financières (CENTIF) reporting and financial intelligence centre.
- The anti-corruption agency Observatoire de Lutte contre la Corruption (OLC) functions as an investigatory body, but CSO observers have previously claimed that many cases go unresolved or are abandoned. The OLC conducts training for justice ministry officials on the UNCAC framework and instruments.
- The government has established a number of anonymous reporting systems including a telephone hotline and held various workshops but the impact of these is questionable.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Benin has been part of the review process for UNCAC. The country's compliance was reviewed by Zimbabwe in 2012-13, but the results of the report were not made public. There is no evidence to suggest Benin has carried out a self-assessment.
Some of the key institutional changes that were implemented in the raft of anti-corruption initiatives since Benin ratified UNCAC (2004) have been undermined in recent years. In particular, the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANLC), which was created in 2013. International watchdog Freedom House criticised the ANLC, stating that President Yayi appoints the members, undermining their independence, and that the institution has not been granted enough resources.
Freedom House, 'Benin: Freedom in the World Yearbook 2014', last accessed June 22, 2015 https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2014/benin#.VYOhpflViko
International Association of Anti-Corruption Agencies, 'Zimbabwe, Johannes TOMANA' last accessed June 22, 2015, http://www.iaaca.org/documents/Presentation/The5thIAACASeminar/201306/t20130625_1141764.shtml
Suggested score:
Is there evidence of regular, active public debate on issues of defence? If yes, does the government participate in this debate?
Researcher4326: According to the law on national defence, only the Supreme Defence Council can meet and discuss such issues. The Council is made of Ministers of Defence, Finance and Interior as well as Armed Forces Chiefs and the Head of State. Sometimes, the Ministry of Defence also collaborates with CSOs, media and academia to stop the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons in Benin, as according to the National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons.
The media does discuss these issues occasionally (see article above), in order to take these matters to the population, but this is often in close collaboration with officials. However, any interaction between the Ministry of Defence and the media tends to be one-way - there is no true debate.
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 12
&quoute;Une commission de lutte contre les armes légères au Bénin&quoute;, Panapress, February 14, 2003 - http://www.panapress.com/Une-commission-de-lutte-contre-les-armes-legeres-au-Benin--13-688361-17-lang4-index.html
Innocentia Apovo and Miranda Gaanderse, 'Benin' in Miranda Gaanderse, Kristin Valasek (eds) ' The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa: A survey of police, defence, justice and penal services in ECOWAS states', DCAF, 2011, 47-59
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: A successful attempt by the president to secure a third term in office will likely be met with emphatic outcry and criticism of the executive branch from civil society groups and a section of the media, in turn probably leading to the further deterioration of any remaining dialogue between the two sides.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Does the country have an openly stated and actively implemented anti-corruption policy for the defence sector?
Researcher4326: The Beninese parliament voted in a law on anti-corruption in 2011 and a National Anti-corruption Authority has been set up, putting stakeholders together in this process. Article 39 of this law does touch upon the status of civil servants and the military in corruption cases. However, there is no anti-corruption policy specifically for the defence sector.
Loi portant lutte contre la corruption et autres infractions connexes en République du Bénin, Article 39, 2011/08/31, http://levenementprecis.com/?p=8236
ARRETE N°1043 MDN/DC/SG/IGA/DRH/SA du 19 mars 2008, Portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de l'Inspection Générale des Armées, article 1
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are there independent, well-resourced, and effective institutions within defence and security tasked with building integrity and countering corruption?
Researcher4326: The Ministry of Defence of Benin, in Article 19 of its statutes, states that the General Inspectorate of Armed Forces is responsible for monitoring, evaluation, anti-corruption and audit for the sector. The General Inspectorate has five sections including logistics, finances and operations, with its inspectors nominated by the government. This information is confirmed and codified in the Decree on the General Inspectorate of Defence, Article 1.
All General Inspectors including the staff of the General Inspectorate of Armed Forces, are trained by the General State Inspectorate.
Response to Peer Reviewers: Agreed, and sources added accordingly. While both reviewers' comments are appreciated, the score has been changed in line with Peer Reviewer 2's suggestion.
DECRET N° 2007-150 du 3 avril 2007 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Article 19
ARRETE N°1043 MDN/DC/SG/IGA/DRH/SA du 19 mars 2008 Portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de l'Inspection Générale des Armées, article 1.
Amélioration de la gestion des finances publiques:Des Inspecteurs généraux des ministères en formation à Lokossa, Le Matinal, 2012/21/08, http://www.actubenin.com/?Amelioration-de-la-gestion-des
Bonne Gouvernance au Bénin: Alidou Koussé renforce les capacités des inspecteurs généraux, Adjinakou, 2011/30/06, http://www.journal-adjinakou-benin.info/?id=4&cat=5&id2=8015&jour=30&mois=06&an=2011
Bertelsmann Stiftung, BTI 2014 — Benin Country Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2014. http://www.bti-project.de/uploads/tx_itao_download/BTI_2014_Benin.pd
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: There is a lack of information and evidence, anecdotal or otherwise, as to the level of training and its effectiveness for staff employed in the offices of the General Inspection of Armed Forces. Peer reviewer believes a more conservative score of 3 should be given for this metric as while there is ample evidence of the existence of the frameworks and institutions outlined in the question, little to no compelling evidential proof of their efficacy and implementation can be found.
Suggested score: 3
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: It has not been possible to clarify the level of training of staff members of the Inspector General, nor its independence. However, corruption within the police and army is still reported on a significant scale, and at the low-level, this goes unpunished.
Bertelsmann Stiftung, BTI 2014 — Benin Country Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2014. http://www.bti-project.de/uploads/tx_itao_download/BTI_2014_Benin.pdf
Suggested score: 2
Does the public trust the institutions of defence and security to tackle the issue of bribery and corruption in their establishments?
Researcher4326: According to an Afrobarometer report (2014) there is a high but declining level of public trust in all public institutions, including those of defence and security. More generally, commentators concur that Benin has a stable democracy with an active and engaged civil society but that continues to face endemic corruption at all government levels - the Transparency International 2014 country profile listed above summarizes a number of these findings for further reading. Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index also gave Benin a score of 39/100 in 2014, where scores range from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).
It is assessed likely that the public view bribery and corruption to be unacceptable to the defence establishment, but insufficiently addressed by the measures in place to tackle the problem. For example, hauliers, taxi-drivers and the public have frequently complained about bribery on Benin's main road networks, which is predominantly associated with the Gendarmerie, police and customs institutions. There have been some efforts to address corruption in the sector however: in 2014 the government dismissed four members of armed forces for bribery and sets new strategies to tackle corruption including a toll free number to denounce any corruption case by the armed forces.
RESPONSE TO PEER REVIEWER: Agree with comments. Score 3 requires stronger evidence that the public perceive a clear commitment from the defence establishment that bribery and corruption are not acceptable and that prosecution may be appropriate. Score 2 selected.
Les axes routiers du Bénin transformés en lieu de rançonnement, 24h au Bénin, 04/25/2014, http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article3757
Rançonnements et corruption sur les axes routiers au Bénin : L’Uemoa donne des directives pour limiter les dégâts, Le Matinal, 04/27/2014, http://www.jolome.com/dir/article.php?i=101465&t=bac
Conseil des ministres : Quatre agents de sécurité radiés pour rançonnement, La Presse du Jour, 07/07/14, http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34740
Les Béninois continuent de faire confiance aux institutions de la république - Afrobarometer, 2014/22/10, http://afrobarometer.org/sites/default/files/press-release/Benin/ben_r6_pr_confiance_0.pdf
Transparency International, Corruption by Country, Benin, https://www.transparency.org/country/#BEN
Marie Chêne, &quoute;Panorama de la corruption et de la lutte contre la corruption au Benin&quoute;, Transparency International, 30 juin 2014. http://www.transparency.org/files/content/corruptionqas/Country_profile_Benin_2014_FR.pdf
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The public are aware that there is corruption within the security forces, but they simultaneously believe that there is a commitment to tackle this issue.
Suggested score: 3
Are there regular assessments by the defence ministry or another government agency of the areas of greatest corruption risk for ministry and armed forces personnel, and do they put in place measures for mitigating such risks?
Researcher4326: Article 19 of the statutes of Benin's Ministry of Defence states that the General inspectorate of Armed Forces is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation, anti-corruption and audit for the defence sector. Article 9 of the statutes for military personnel forbids any information disclosure.
This year, the defence minister announced that four military officials were removed from the army for bribery. Also, many of the existing police check points on main roads were disbanded as part of a set of measures to tackle corruption, according to the defence minister.
Response to Peer Reviewers: Agreed - while there is evidence of of corruption risk assessments, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that a comprehensive system of regular assessments have been put in place. The score has been lowered accordingly.
DECRET N° 2007-150 du 3 avril 2007 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Article 19
Loi 2005-43 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 9, (2005) http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Conseil des ministres : Quatre agents de sécurité radiés pour rançonnement, La Presse du Jour, 07/07/14, http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34740
Rançonnements et corruption sur les axes routiers au Bénin : L’Uemoa donne des directives pour limiter les dégâts, Le Matinal, 04/27/2014, http://www.jolome.com/dir/article.php?i=101465&t=bac
Conseil des ministres : Quatre agents de sécurité radiés pour rançonnement, La Presse du Jour, 07/07/14, http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34740
&quoute;Bénin : Réduction de postes de contrôle&quoute;, Xinhua, April 28, 2014 - http://www.afriquinfos.com/articles/2014/4/28/benin-reduction-postes-controle-252083.asp
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The government is aware of occurrences of corruption in the realm of public procurement in general; a risk that extends into military contracts. In 2010, a number of senior officials in charge of public procurement were dismissed following accusations surrounding the awarding of contracts and misappropriation of funds. Previously, a US military technology company, Titan, was found to have violated the U.S Foreign Corrupt Practices act in relation to a bid for a telecommunications project in 2005.
The acknowledgment of the high potential for corruption in public contracting and procurement processes was reflected in the creation of the Public Procurement Verification Commission.
However, no information has been found that suggests that internal assessments or ranking of corruption risks within the armed forces are carried out on anything other than an ad hoc basis. Furthermore, there is little evidence to suggest that &quoute;risk mitigation measures are in place to cover all risks in every case&quoute; in the anti-corruption frameworks present, and therefore the peer reviewer suggests a more conservative score of 3.
Suggested score: 3
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: While there are examples of reviews for areas susceptible to corruption, these are not regular occurrences and are unlikely to be comprehensive.
Suggested score: 2
Does the country have a process for acquisition planning that involves clear oversight, and is it publicly available?
Researcher4326: The Ministry of Defence develops the acquisition plans in close collaboration with the army. Defence and security acquisition plans are discussed at the parliament firstly through the defence and security commission, and then in plenary sessions.
However acquisition plans are not then made publicly available.
DECRET N° 2007-150 du 3 avril 2007 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Article 44
Loi 2005-43 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 9, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Is the defence budget transparent, showing key items of expenditure? This would include comprehensive information on military R&D, training, construction, personnel expenditures, acquisitions, disposal of assets, and maintenance.
Researcher4326: Benin's defence budget is part of the annual budget. It contains fully transparent and detailed information on expenditure across functions. The budget is publicly available on the ministry of finance website: finances.bj
Before its adoption, a detailed budget showing key items of expenditure is presented to the parliament. It includes comprehensive information on military R&D, training, construction, personnel expenditures, acquisitions, disposal of assets, and maintenance.
Ministère des finances et de l'économie, &quoute;Projet de Loi de finance pour la gestion 2014&quoute;, (Cotonou: October 2013), 97 - http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/rapport_presentation_bge_2014.pdf
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Is there a legislative committee (or other appropriate body) responsible for defence budget scrutiny and analysis in an effective way, and is this body provided with detailed, extensive, and timely information on the defence budget?
Researcher4326: The Budget Commission (a set of parliamentarians) is responsible for the annual budget including scrutiny and analysis of the defence budget, for which the government provides detailed information on proposed defence expenditures.
The Budget Commission also works with the Defence and Security Commission for better analysis. The report of the commission is then submitted to the plenary for debate or vote. However, the Commission doesn't have the capacity to influence decision making - it is up to the plenary to decide. As previously mentioned, the reports are released to the plenary session, but not to the wider public, before the votes.
Ministère des finances et de l'économie, &quoute;Projet de Loi de finance pour la gestion 2014&quoute;, (Cotonou: October 2013), 97 - http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/rapport_presentation_bge_2014.pdf
Nicaise Azomahou, ‘’Examen en commission du budget général de l’Etat gestion 2014 : L’essentiel de ce que les ministres ont dit ‘’ 24h au Bénin, November 12, 2013 -http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2852
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Cosme Kèkè, ‘’Examen du budget de l'Etat 2014: Les députés dénoncent une tricherie dans la transmission du projet de loi au parlement’’, Adjinakou, December 18, 2013 - http://www.journauxdubenin.com/article/examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-2014-les-deputes-denoncent-une-tricherie-dans-la-transmission-du
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008, 79-102
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: International researchers highlight that the legislature self-censors on issues relating to the defence budget. They rarely question the detail of the defence budget.
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008, 79-102
Suggested score:
Is the approved defence budget made publicly available? In practice, can citizens, civil society, and the media obtain detailed information on the defence budget?
Researcher4326: Benin's approved defence budget is included in the annual budget which is publicly available (upon request from the parliament or in the official journal of Benin) after parliamentary approval and adoption by the constitutional court. Before voting, a short version is available for the media.
The annual general budget is also available on finance.bj, the Ministry of Finance's website.
Nicaise Azomahou, ‘’Examen en commission du budget général de l’Etat gestion 2014 : L’essentiel de ce que les ministres ont dit ‘’ 24h au Bénin, November 12, 2013 -http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2852
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Cosme Kèkè, ‘’Examen du budget de l'Etat 2014: Les députés dénoncent une tricherie dans la transmission du projet de loi au parlement’’, Adjinakou, December 18, 2013 - http://www.journauxdubenin.com/article/examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-2014-les-deputes-denoncent-une-tricherie-dans-la-transmission-du
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Ministère des finances et de l'économie, &quoute;Projet de Loi de finance pour la gestion 2014&quoute;, (Cotonou: October 2013), 97 - http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/rapport_presentation_bge_2014.pdf
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are sources of defence income other than from central government allocation (from equipment sales or property disposal, for example) published and scrutinised?
Researcher4326: There is full publication of all sources of income, the money received and the destination of government expenses on finance.bj but documents are not specifically related to the Ministry of Defence.
Mechanisms of scrutiny are in place for all government expenses, overseen by the Ministry of Finance and through the General Inspectorate of Finance. All ministries and sector Inspectorates including the Inspectorate of Armed Forces send reports to the Ministry of Finance for scrutiny.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agreed. Given the lack of transparency surrounding some sources of income, the score has been lowered to 3.
&quoute;Rapport d’activités de l’Inspection Générale des Finances : Année 2011&quoute; , http://finances.bj/IMG/pdf/revue_rapport_act_igf_2011.pdf reached August 27, 2014.
&quoute;Rapport d’activités du Contrôle Financier au quatrième trimestre 2011&quoute;, http://finances.bj/spip.php?article1142 reached on August 27, 2014
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: While Benin is not on the current list of military aid recipients on the US State Department's Foreign Military Financing summary, Benin does receive aid under the International Military Education and Training (IMET) programme. In recent years the value of the assistance has been maintained between USD200,000 and USD500,000.
This is reported through the State Department (http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/213461.pdf) but is not immediately or obviously published to the public record in Benin. However, this often takes the form of non-monetary assistance such as training courses, making it harder to quantify.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: There is no clarity over asset disposal mechanisms and what scrutiny they are subjected to.
Suggested score: 3
Is there an effective internal audit process for defence ministry expenditure (that is, for example, transparent, conducted by appropriately skilled individuals, and subject to parliamentary oversight)?
Researcher4326: The General Inspectorate of Defence provides reports on internal audits. All government audit accounts are sent to the parliament and to the Supreme Court for scrutiny, but reports are not available to the wider public.
These internal audits are conducted by members of the General Inspectorate of Defence which is made of skilled and trained individuals. There is no evidence that its findings are acted upon by the government.
DECRET N° 2007-150 du 3 avril 2007 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Article 19 (2007/3/04)
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html (2013/27/11)
http://www.crefiaf.org/benin-98/membres.html?section=98%2Cbenin, reached on August 27, 2013
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008, 79-102
Innocentia Apovo and Miranda Gaanderse, 'Benin' in Miranda Gaanderse, Kristin Valasek (eds) ' The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa: A survey of police, defence, justice and penal services in ECOWAS states', DCAF, 2011,
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: There are human resource limitations in the inspectorate and other oversight bodies, with international experts reporting a need for further training.
Within the armed forces and gendarmerie, two further bodies exist for internal auditing: The Office of the Garrison and the Technical Inspection Unit, respectively. However, very little detail is publicly available about these units.
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008, 79-102
Innocentia Apovo and Miranda Gaanderse, 'Benin' in Miranda Gaanderse, Kristin Valasek (eds) ' The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa: A survey of police, defence, justice and penal services in ECOWAS states', DCAF, 2011,
Suggested score:
Is there effective and transparent external auditing of military defence expenditure?
Researcher4326: Benin's General Budget is audited by the Supreme Court and reports are provided only to the government, the parliament and the anti-corruption authority; results are not publicly available. The Parliament can also request that a committee audit part or all budget expenditure or any specific sector activities. The General State Inspectorate, meanwhile, was established by the government to audit all public accounts.
Despite this overall scrutiny, however, no evidence was found of an external auditing of military defence expenditure.
Décret N° 2006-319 du 12 Juillet 2006 portant création, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de l’Inspection Générale d’Etat. Article 1, http://www.ige.gouv.bj/docu/decret.pdf
Marcel Zoumènou, &quoute;Gestion des sociétés d’Etat au Bénin : quand le gouvernement protège les corrompus&quoute; La nouvelle Tribune, April 3, 2013 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/actualite/une/18830-gestion-des-societes-d-etat-au-benin-quand-le-gouvernement-protege-les-corrompus
La Chambre des comptes du Bénin, http://www.crefiaf.org/benin-98/membres.html?section=98%2Cbenin, reached August 27, 2013
African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum, 'An audit of police oversight in Africa', 2008, last accessed June 22, 2015, http://www.apcof.org/files/apcof_police_oversight_web.pdf
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Although corruption has been reported in the judiciary, the Supreme Court and the General State Inspectorate, are considered to be fairly independent.
African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum, 'An audit of police oversight in Africa', 2008, last accessed June 22, 2015, http://www.apcof.org/files/apcof_police_oversight_web.pdf
Suggested score:
Is there evidence that the country's defence institutions have controlling or financial interests in businesses associated with the country's natural resource exploitation and, if so, are these interests publicly stated and subject to scrutiny?
Researcher4326: Article 9 of the General Statutes governing the armed forces, and the Decree on the Ministry of Defence (cited above) absolutely forbid defence institutions and the militaries from having controlling or financial stakes in businesses associated with the country’s natural resource exploitation.
There is no evidence to suggest that the military owns businesses in contravention of this law, and there is no confirmable evidence to suggest that individuals within the defence sector have such interests either.
Loi 2005-43 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 9, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
DECRET N° 2007-150 du 3 avril 2007 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du Ministère de la Défense Nationale
O'Neil, Carolyn. &quoute;National Security and RTI in Benin&quoute;, Pretoria Finalization Meeting April 2013 documents, Pretoria, http://www.right2info.org/resources/publications/pretoria-finalization-meeting-april-2013-documents/national-security-and-rti-in-benin/at_download/file
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Reports from civil society groups and NGOs examining corruption in the cotton and logging sectors do not identify defence institutions or senior government or military figures as major stakeholders associated with natural resource exploitation. However it is not possible to determine with complete certainty whether or not elements of the armed forces are involved with natural resource extraction management or control at the local level.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Not Qualified
Suggested score:
Is there evidence, for example through media investigations or prosecution reports, of a penetration of organised crime into the defence and security sector? If no, is there evidence that the government is alert and prepared for this risk?
Researcher4326: In Benin, there is currently no evidence suggesting a penetration of organised crime into the defence and security sector. In 2013, (AFP, 2013) there were rumours of a coup d'etat, but the interior and defence ministries have since said that they were actively working to remain alert to the risk. But there is no evidence that the government is alert and prepared for this risk.
Armed forces capacity is limited (Adjinakou - August 25, 2014 ) and they were not able to stop many robberies staged in Cotonou, for instance.
Romuald Vissoh, &quoute;Bénin : l’état d’urgence décrété&quoute; Afrik.com, -http://www.afrik.com/article26702.html, (August 22, 2012)
&quoute;Bénin: les autorités affirment avoir déjoué un coup d'Etat&quoute;, - http://www.leparisien.fr/flash-actualite-monde/benin-les-autorites-affirment-avoir-dejoue-un-coup-d-etat-03-03-2013-2613167.php#xtref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.fr%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%24rct%3Dj%24q%3D%24esrc%3Ds%24source%3Dweb%24cd%3D4%24cad%3Drja%24uact%3D8%24ved%3D0CDIQFjAD%24url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.leparisien.fr%252Fflash-actualite-monde%252Fbenin-les-autorites-affirment-avoir-dejoue-un-coup-d-etat-03-03-2013-2613167.php%24ei%3Db6n9U6-KOIfeaobogtgP%24usg%3DAFQjCNG5h_StKzOYzHLAKmQJ9jrit3FIoA%24bvm%3Dbv.74035653%2Cd.d2k , (AFP, March 3, 2013 )
Vitali Boton, &quoute;Rumeurs de coup d'Etat manqué et arrestations tout azimuts:Le peuple a peur, ça va mal&quoute;, Adjinakou, - http://www.journal-adjinakou-benin.info/?id=4&cat=1&id2=16556&jour=25&mois=02&an=2013 , (February 25, 2013)
Le Matin - Lutte contre l’insécurité au Bénin : Le cerveau des braqueurs d’Abomey-Calavi froidement abattu, - http://www.beninsite.net/spip.php?article10039 (April 12, 2013)
Adjinakou - Lutte contre l’insécurité au Bénin : Baptême de feu sanglant pour Simplice Dossou - http://news.acotonou.com/h/29660.html, (August 25, 2014 )
Mark Shaw et al., 'Comprehensive Assessment of Drug Trafficking and Organised Crime in West and Central Africa,' African Union, January 2014, http://sa.au.int/en/sites/default/files/Organized%20Crime%20in%20West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20-%20July%202014%20-%20Abridged%20Summary%20(English).pdf
Etannibi E.O. Alemika, 'THE IMPACT OF ORGANISED CRIME ON GOVERNANCE IN WEST AFRICA', Friedrich Edert Stiftung, http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/nigeria/10199.pdf
USAID, 'THE DEVELOPMENT RESPONSE TO DRUG TRAFFICKING IN AFRICA: A PROGRAMMING GUIDE ' April 2013 https://www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/Development_Response_to_Drug_Trafficking_in_Africa_Programming_Guide.pdf
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: There is no immediate evidence that criminal activity perpetrated by members of the military in Benin are related to a wider organised crime network or appear to be anything beyond small-scale occurrences of corruption, petty crime or other individual acts. However, it is more plausible that organised crime networks could have influence in institutions outside the military, particularly in Customs authorities and other agencies involved in importing and exporting goods through the port of Cotonou.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Organised crime is present in Benin, and has increased over the last decade. The most significant threats come from piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, and smuggling. The latter of these is mostly drugs, including heroin from India/Pakistan and cocaine from South America, destined for European markets, and cigarettes that are transported into northern Africa, particularly Libya. Additionally, gangs that operate internally engage in carjacking and armed robberies; cars are reportedly often smuggled into neighbouring Nigeria to be sold. Due to the transnational nature of these issues, their eradication relies on policies of neighbouring countries. Benin has been involved in numerous international and regional initiatives to respond the threats, but these are yet to have an impact on reduction.
Due to the level of organised crime, it is highly likely that individuals, particularly in the police forces, facilitate some of these gangs operations. In an April 2013 report, USAID reported intimidation of the police. However, there are no indications that organised crime
Mark Shaw et al., 'Comprehensive Assessment of Drug Trafficking and Organised Crime in West and Central Africa,' African Union, January 2014, http://sa.au.int/en/sites/default/files/Organized%20Crime%20in%20West%20and%20Central%20Africa%20-%20July%202014%20-%20Abridged%20Summary%20(English).pdf
Etannibi E.O. Alemika, 'THE IMPACT OF ORGANISED CRIME ON GOVERNANCE IN WEST AFRICA', Friedrich Edert Stiftung, http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/nigeria/10199.pdf
USAID, 'THE DEVELOPMENT RESPONSE TO DRUG TRAFFICKING IN AFRICA: A PROGRAMMING GUIDE ' April 2013 https://www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/Development_Response_to_Drug_Trafficking_in_Africa_Programming_Guide.pdf
Suggested score:
Is there policing to investigate corruption and organised crime within the defence services and is there evidence of the effectiveness of this policing?
Researcher4326: The Financial and Economic Brigade (FEB) is responsible for investigating corruption and organised crime within all services including the defence services and there is evidence of the effectiveness of this policing. Ministers and public company managers were arrested and audited as reported by '24h au Bénin'.
But there is no special policing for the defence sector. The General Inspector of the Ministry of Defence investigates cases normally; sometimes, military committees are set up by the ministry or the armed forces for the same purpose.
&quoute;Le DG SBEE auditionné puis gardé à vue à la Brigade Economique et Financière&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, March 25, 2014 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article3598
&quoute;Blaise Ahanhanzo Glèlè écouté à la Brigade économique et financière&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, January 16, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article1059
US Department of State, 'Benin 2014 Crime and Safety Report' https://www.osac.gov/pages/ContentReportDetails.aspx?cid=15928
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Minor criminal acts committed by members of Benin's military are referred to military disciplinary bodies. However, members of the armed forces charged with more serious crimes are given over to the jurisdiction of a civilian magistrate for due process. As such, there are no military tribunals with exclusive jurisdiction over members of the armed forces.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: The US Department of State commented in their latest Crime and Safety report on Benin, that the police lack the training and capacity to deal with the threat posed by organised crime.
US Department of State, 'Benin 2014 Crime and Safety Report' https://www.osac.gov/pages/ContentReportDetails.aspx?cid=15928
Suggested score:
Are the policies, administration, and budgets of the intelligence services subject to effective, properly resourced, and independent oversight?
Researcher4326: According to Benin's parliamentary regulations, all government expenditure is subject to scrutiny by the Supreme Court and the parliament. The Commission on Security and Defence, composed of parliamentarians regardless of their political affiliations, is responsible for oversight over this sector at the parliament.
There is no evidence that its work includes the intelligence services since none of its reports are publicly available.
Décret N° 2006-319 du 12 Juillet 2006 portant création, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de l’Inspection Générale d’Etat. Article 1, http://www.ige.gouv.bj/docu/decret.pdf
Benin national constitution, LOI N° 90-32 du 11 Décembre 1990, Article 79 -paragraph 2 - http://www.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/fr/bj/bj001fr.pdf
Marcel Zoumènou, &quoute;Gestion des sociétés d’Etat au Bénin : quand le gouvernement protège les corrompus&quoute; La nouvelle Tribune, April 3, 2013 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/actualite/une/18830-gestion-des-societes-d-etat-au-benin-quand-le-gouvernement-protege-les-corrompus
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008,
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Despite the legal provisions of oversight, the intelligence services remain under the control of the executive. There is much secrecy over intelligence services and expenditure, and it is likely to be highly politicised.
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008,
Suggested score:
Are senior positions within the intelligence services filled on the basis of objective selection criteria, and are appointees subject to investigation of their suitability and prior conduct?
Researcher4326: The criteria for the selection of senior positions are not clear and there is no evidence that candidates are subject to a full investigation of their suitability.
At the Ministry of Defence, all nominations for key positions are done by the Head of State, with some input from the Minister for Defence. Given this, it is possible that political considerations may influence the selection.
Conseil des ministres numéro : 11/SGG/Com/2006 - http://www.finances.bj/spip.php?article125 reached on August 27 , 2014
Conseil des Ministres du mercredi 11 avril 2013, http://www.gouv.bj/content/communique-de-presse, reached August 27, 2014
De nouvelles nominations au Ministère de la Défense et au Cabinet militaire du Chef de l’Etat, 24h au Bénin, November 30, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2620
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: While political concerns certainly inform the appointments of senior security and defence officials, Benin has an encouraging recent history of inclusion of minority ethnic groups in these institutions. In the past decade, Benin's military has departed from its former heavily northern slant and is more accommodating of southerners. However, as a northerner, the president continues to prefer fellow northerners for many key positions.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Does the government have a well-scrutinised process for arms export decisions that aligns with international protocols, particularly the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)?
Researcher4326: Benin has signed but not yet ratified the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). In 2014, CSOs called on the country to ratify it. There is no evidence in the meantime that arms exports will be subject to serious parliamentary approval and debate.
The parliament is not ratifying the ATT this year since this is not in its key priorities for 2015. The government has no clear plans to comply with the ATT in the future, and there is no evidence regarding its views on the anti-corruption clauses in the ATT.
Valentine Bonou Awassi, &quoute;Ratification du Traité sur le commerce des armes:Waansa plaide pour des actions urgentes&quoute;, Le Matinal, August 26, 2014 - http://www.jolome.com/dir/article.php?i=105899&t=direct
&quoute;Le Bénin appelé à ratifier le Traité sur le commerce des armes&quoute;, Xinhua, August 26, 2014 - http://french.china.org.cn/foreign/txt/2014-08/26/content_33337109.htm
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Cosme Kèkè, ‘’Examen du budget de l'Etat 2014: Les députés dénoncent une tricherie dans la transmission du projet de loi au parlement’’, Adjinakou, December 18, 2013 - http://www.journauxdubenin.com/article/examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-2014-les-deputes-denoncent-une-tricherie-dans-la-transmission-du
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
How effective are controls over the disposal of assets, and is information on these disposals, and the proceeds of their sale, transparent?
Researcher4326: The financial results of disposals are publicly available on the Ministry of Finance's website, finances.bj. But there is no evidence on procedures of asset disposal that are specifically tied to defence and security, nor any details on the controls that might be in place since planned defence disposals are not known in advance and published publicly.
However, there is no known evidence, or speculation in the media and among civil society organisations, regarding corruption in asset disposals.
&quoute;Création future d’une société d’économie mixte pour le coton au Bénin&quoute; Panapress, October 8, 2007 - http://www.panapress.com/Creation-future-d-une-societe-d-economie-mixte-pour-le-coton-au-Benin--13-652051-17-lang4-index.html
Marcel Zoumènou , &quoute;Réquisition des usines de la Sodeco Sa : Yayi met le Bénin en danger !&quoute; La Nouvelle Tribune, November 19, 2013 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/actualite/une/16904-requisition-des-usines-de-la-sodeco-sa-yayi-met-le-benin-en-danger
Denis Magnidet &quoute;Partenariat public privé en danger au Benin : Le cas de la Sodeco interpelle les bailleurs de fonds&quoute;, La Presse du Jour, Octobre 31, 2013 - http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=29590
&quoute;Le Journal des Marchés Publics N° 627 du Jeudi 17 Juillet 2014&quoute;, http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/journal_627_gabarit.pdf reached on August 29, 2014
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Is independent and transparent scrutiny of asset disposals conducted by defence establishments, and are the reports of such scrutiny publicly available?
Researcher4326: There is no evidence that asset disposals were scrutinised by defence establishments, and there is no evidence suggesting that reports of such scrutiny - if it occurs - is made publicly available.
&quoute;Création future d’une société d’économie mixte pour le coton au Bénin&quoute; Panapress, October 8, 2007 - http://www.panapress.com/Creation-future-d-une-societe-d-economie-mixte-pour-le-coton-au-Benin--13-652051-17-lang4-index.html
Marcel Zoumènou , &quoute;Réquisition des usines de la Sodeco Sa : Yayi met le Bénin en danger !&quoute; La Nouvelle Tribune, November 19, 2013 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/actualite/une/16904-requisition-des-usines-de-la-sodeco-sa-yayi-met-le-benin-en-danger
Denis Magnidet &quoute;Partenariat public privé en danger au Benin : Le cas de la Sodeco interpelle les bailleurs de fonds&quoute;, La Presse du Jour, Octobre 31, 2013 - http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=29590
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Peer reviewer could not find any immediate evidence that reports of asset disposals by defence establishments are publicly available.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
What percentage of defence and security expenditure in the budget year is dedicated to spending on secret items relating to national security and the intelligence services?
Researcher4326: In general, secret items relating to national security and the intelligence services are part of &quoute;fonds de souveraineté&quoute; (sovereignty fund) and are not necessarily justified in the budget.
In 2014, around 6% of the annual budget was dedicated to this fund, which includes the budget for secret items. But the percentage of the sovereignty fund which goes towards the budget for secret items is not available to the public.
Nicaise Azomahou, ‘’Examen en commission du budget général de l’Etat gestion 2014 : L’essentiel de ce que les ministres ont dit ‘’ 24h au Bénin, November 12, 2013 -http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2852
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Is the legislature (or the appropriate legislative committee or members of the legislature) given full information for the budget year on the spending of all secret items relating to national security and military intelligence?
Researcher4326: The legislative commission on budget is provided with general information on expenditures. The defence and security budget, as part of the annual budget, is subject to scrutiny by this commission. This is followed by questions to ministers and technical directors, sector by sector.
However, there is no evidence suggesting that details of secret items are provided in these instances.
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Nicaise Azomahou, ‘’Examen en commission du budget général de l’Etat gestion 2014 : L’essentiel de ce que les ministres ont dit ‘’ 24h au Bénin, November 12, 2013 -http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2852
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Cosme Kèkè, ‘’Examen du budget de l'Etat 2014: Les députés dénoncent une tricherie dans la transmission du projet de loi au parlement’’, Adjinakou, December 18, 2013 - http://www.journauxdubenin.com/article/examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-2014-les-deputes-denoncent-une-tricherie-dans-la-transmission-du
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are audit reports of the annual accounts of the security sector (the military, police, and intelligence services) and other secret programs provided to the legislature (or relevant committee) and are they subsequently subject to parliamentary debate?
Researcher4326: In Benin, legislators are provided with detailed audit reports related to the security sector. The army's inspector general provides audit reports, including for secret items, for the supreme court and to the parliament.
However, legislative debate on their contents may be limited or non-existent. Reports are sent to the head of state only and are not available to the public.
Nicaise Azomahou, ‘’Examen en commission du budget général de l’Etat gestion 2014 : L’essentiel de ce que les ministres ont dit ‘’ 24h au Bénin, November 12, 2013 -http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2852
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Romain L. KIKI, 'Affaire 100 milliards d’achat d’armes : Les explications de Kogui N’douro attendues au Parlement' Le Blog de Benoît ILLASSA, September 1, 2009, http://illassa-benoit.over-blog.com/article-35539752.html
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: In law, the annual budget including defence expenditures is debated and voted at the parliament. So military expenditures that are not formally authorised within the annual budget by the parliament, are not permitted.
There is no immediate evidence that classification of secret budget expenditure is conducted on anything other than an ad hoc basis, or that it is done through well-established or transparent legal processes.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: In 2009, parliament questioned the reasoning behind an off-budget purchase of weapons worth 120 million euro that was made under a state of emergency.
Romain L. KIKI, 'Affaire 100 milliards d’achat d’armes : Les explications de Kogui N’douro attendues au Parlement' Le Blog de Benoît ILLASSA, September 1, 2009, http://illassa-benoit.over-blog.com/article-35539752.html
Suggested score:
Off-budget military expenditures are those that are not formally authorised within a country's official defence budget, often considered to operate through the 'back-door'. In law, are off-budget military expenditures permitted, and if so, are they exceptional occurrences that are well-controlled?
Researcher4326: In law, the annual budget including defence expenditures is debated and voted at the parliament. Military expenditures that are not formally authorised within the annual budget by the parliament are not permitted, although there is precedent for some exceptions such as under a state of emergency, as also examined in the next question.
It is also possible that off-budget expenditures classified as state secrets could occur through adequate and well-established legal processes.
Response to Peer Reviewer: Agree with comments. Discussion updated and score changed to 2.
Loi organique relative à la loi des finances, Loi 2013-14 du 27 septembre 2014, http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/lolf_promulguee1.pdf
Nicaise Azomahou, ‘’Examen en commission du budget général de l’Etat gestion 2014 : L’essentiel de ce que les ministres ont dit ‘’ 24h au Bénin, November 12, 2013 -http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2852
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009, http://mjpacbj.over-blog.com/article-35576099.html
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Off-budget defence expenditure can occur under exceptional circumstances, for example, under a state of emergency. Parliament has to approve the introduction of a state of emergency. In 2009, parliament questioned the reasoning behind an off-budget purchase of weapons worth 120 million euro that was made under a state of emergency.
Items classified due to national security reasons are also not included in the budget.
Romain L. KIKI, 'Affaire 100 milliards d’achat d’armes : Les explications de Kogui N’douro attendues au Parlement' Le Blog de Benoît ILLASSA, September 1, 2009, http://illassa-benoit.over-blog.com/article-35539752.html
Suggested score: 2
In practice, are there any off-budget military expenditures? If so, does evidence suggest this involves illicit economic activity?
Researcher4326: All expenditures of all sectors are included in the annual budget, subject to vote by the parliament. All expenses must also be approved in advance.
In 2009 the parliament invited the government to justify an off-budget expenditure up to 200 million USD for arms provision. There is no clear evidence that this involved illicit economic activity, however the substantial size and corresponding increase in corruption risk is of concern.
Nicaise Azomahou, ‘’Examen en commission du budget général de l’Etat gestion 2014 : L’essentiel de ce que les ministres ont dit ‘’ 24h au Bénin, November 12, 2013 -http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2852
Cosme Keke , ‘’Examen du Budget de l'Etat gestion 2014: Le rapport de la commission des finances du parlement attendu’’ , Adjinakou, November 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-gestion-2014-le-rapport-de-la-commission-des-finances-du-parlement-attend-121318544.html
Cosme Kèkè, ‘’Examen du budget de l'Etat 2014: Les députés dénoncent une tricherie dans la transmission du projet de loi au parlement’’, Adjinakou, December 18, 2013 - http://www.journauxdubenin.com/article/examen-du-budget-de-l-etat-2014-les-deputes-denoncent-une-tricherie-dans-la-transmission-du
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Romain L. KIKI, 'Affaire 100 milliards d’achat d’armes : Les explications de Kogui N’douro attendues au Parlement' Le Blog de Benoît ILLASSA, September 1, 2009, http://illassa-benoit.over-blog.com/article-35539752.html
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Off-budget defence expenditure can occur under exceptional circumstances, for example, under a state of emergency. Parliament has to approve the introduction of a state of emergency. In 2009, parliament questioned the reasoning behind an off-budget purchase of weapons worth 120 million euro that was made under a state of emergency. At the time, media reported the deal as politically motivated, but not illicit economic activity.
Romain L. KIKI, 'Affaire 100 milliards d’achat d’armes : Les explications de Kogui N’douro attendues au Parlement' Le Blog de Benoît ILLASSA, September 1, 2009, http://illassa-benoit.over-blog.com/article-35539752.html
Suggested score:
In law, are there provisions regulating mechanisms for classifying information on the grounds of protecting national security, and, if so, are they subject to effective scrutiny?
Researcher4326: Information is classified at the discretion of the Supreme Defence Council. The Council is made up of the Ministers for Defence, Finance and Interior, plus Armed Forces Chiefs and the Head of State. In addition, Benin's National Constitution (art. 54) and the General Organisation for National Defence give full power to the President to organise the sector at its discretion.
Mechanisms of classification are not publicly available and there is no evidence suggesting that they are subject to effective scrutiny.
A media article reports that in 2012, the Beninese Minister of the Interior made a statement declaring a state of emergency, in order to protect national security, due to attacks against public figures.This could provide evidence that the government does command influence over such decisions, suggesting that classifying information is well within its rights.
Bénin : l'état d'urgence décrété, Afrik.com: 2012/22/08, http://www.afrik.com/article26702.html
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 5 and 7
Benin national constitution, LOI N° 90-32 du 11 Décembre 1990, Article 54 - http://www.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/fr/bj/bj001fr.pdf
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Do national defence and security institutions have beneficial ownership of commercial businesses? If so, how transparent are details of the operations and finances of such businesses?
Researcher4326: There is no evidence that defence and security institutions own commercial businesses. The mission of the Beninese Armed Forces is to organise and manage security and peace. The law on the General Statute of Armed Forces Personnel forbid such for-profit activity by the military, too (Art. 9).
There is no available evidence that the armed forces do not comply with this law.
DECRET N° 2004-185 du 7 avril 2004 portant organisation générale des Forces Armées Béninoises et fixant les attributions des Autorités Militaires, Articles 2, 13, 22, 31
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 9, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: There is no immediate evidence in the public record that military institutions have beneficial majority ownership of commercial enterprises.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are military-owned businesses subject to transparent independent scrutiny at a recognised international standard?
Researcher4326: There is no evidence of there being any military-owned businesses. Benin's Armed Forces' mission is to organise and manage security and peace. The law on the General Statute of Armed Forces Personnel forbids (art. 9) any for-profit activity by the military.
DECRET N° 2004-185 du 7 avril 2004 portant organisation générale des Forces Armées Béninoises et fixant les attributions des Autorités Militaires, Articles 2, 13, 22, 31
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 9, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Is there evidence of unauthorised private enterprise by military or other defence ministry employees? If so, what is the government's reaction to such enterprise?
Researcher4326: There is no evidence at all of unauthorised private enterprise by the military or other defence ministry employees.
The Beninese armed forces' mission is to organise and manage security and peace. The law on the general statute of armed forces personnel (article 9) states that any for profit activity developed by the military are subject to sanctions.
However, there is no known evidence that the government strictly outlaws any unauthorised private enterprise, with consistent sanctions in place to deal with offenders.
DECRET N° 2004-185 du 7 avril 2004 portant organisation générale des Forces Armées Béninoises et fixant les attributions des Autorités Militaires, Articles 2, 13, 22, 31
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 9, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Not Qualified
Suggested score:
Do the Defence Ministry, Defence Minister, Chiefs of Defence, and Single Service Chiefs publicly commit - through, for example, speeches, media interviews, or political mandates - to anti-corruption and integrity measures?
Researcher4326: After nomination by the government and before taking over the staff, all chiefs of defence including the minister, publicly commit through speeches or media interviews to anti-corruption and integrity measures. Media articles suggest that through speeches, the army chief also commits to integrity and anti-corruption at the beginning of their mission as the new armed forces head.
Emmanuel GBETO, &quoute;Nommé chef d’Etat-major général des armées béninoises:Le Général de brigade Emmanuel Akpona prend le commandement pour six mois&quoute;, L'évènement précis, July 2, 2012 - http://levenementprecis.com/?p=12212
Etat-major général des Forces armées béninoises : Le général de Brigade Emmanuel Joseph Akpona prend le Commandement, http://www.gouv.bj/actualites/gouvernement/etat-major-general-des-forces-armees-beninoises-le-general-de-brigade-emmanuel-joseph-akpona-prend-le-commandement, reached on August 27, 2014.
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are there effective measures in place for personnel found to have taken part in forms of bribery and corruption, and is there public evidence that these measures are being carried out?
Researcher4326: Legal measures (including dismissal and prosecution) are in place for personnel found to have taken part in forms of bribery and corruption. The government has made significant steps forward in the fight against corruption in Benin, including the adoption of an anti-corruption law in 2011, promotion of administrative and institutional reforms, and strengthening the role of civil society and reporting requirements.
There is little information available on the effectiveness of these measures in practice. In particular, there is not yet enough evidence of consistent, effective prosecutions for corruption to justify a higher score. There is some publicly available evidence that measures have been carried out; in 2014 four people were recently removed from the Benin armed forces for demanding bribes from Burkino Faso passengers at the Cotonou Airport, for example. There continues to be significant evidence of petty corruption by the gendarmerie however, which comes under the Ministry of Defence.
RESPONSE TO PEER REVIEWERS: Agree with comments. Score changed to 2 and discussion/sources amended.
LOI N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels militaires des Forces Armées Béninoises. (2006-09-15), article 17, 33 and 34
Conseil des ministres : Quatre agents de sécurité radiés pour rançonnement, La Presse du Jour, 07/07/14, http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34740
&quoute;Bénin : Quatre agents des Forces de l’ordre radiés pour rançonnement de voyageurs burkinabè&quoute;, La Nouvelle Tribune, July 5, 2014, http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/actualite/une/20169-benin-quatre-agents-des-forces-de-l-ordre-radies-pour-ranconnement-de-voyageurs-burkinabe
Bertelsmann Stiftung, BTI 2014 — Benin Country Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2014. http://www.bti-project.de/uploads/tx_itao_download/BTI_2014_Benin.pdf
Marie Oak, &quoute;Overview of corruption and anticorruption in Benin&quoute;, Transparency International, 30 June 2014. http://www.transparency.org/files/content/corruptionqas/Country_profile_Benin_2014_FR.pdf
US State Department &quoute;Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2014:
Benin&quoute;, http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/humanrightsreport/index.htm?year=2014&dlid=236328#wrapper; http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/236540.pdf
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: There are formal disciplinary sanctions in place for personnel found to have taken part in forms of bribery and corruption. They do include dismissal and prosecution, and there is public evidence that these measures are employed by disciplinary tribunals and civilians courts.
However, there is insufficient evidence that these measures are applied universally to every applicable infringement and at the local level. Therefore the reviewer suggests a more conservative score of 3.
Suggested score: 3
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: These measures are not applied comprehensively, and low-level corruption (facilitation fees, minor extortion, other small bribes) is not prosecuted within either the police and army. Anecdotal evidence would imply this is a more serious problem in the police than the army.
Bertelsmann Stiftung, BTI 2014 — Benin Country Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2014. http://www.bti-project.de/uploads/tx_itao_download/BTI_2014_Benin.pdf
Suggested score: 2
Is whistleblowing encouraged by the government, and are whistle-blowers in military and defence ministries afforded adequate protection from reprisal for reporting evidence of corruption, in both law and practice?
Researcher4326: Legislation and mechanisms applicable to military and official personnel exist to report corruption, but it is unlikely that whistleblowing is actively encouraged in the defence and security sector. Article 29 of the Law on Corruption defends whistle-blowers in general including defence staff. It states that whistleblowers would be provided adequate protection in case they report corrupt activity.
But on the other hand, as mentioned by the Peer Reviewer below, Article 9 of the Statutes of the Armed Forces prevents personnel from any information disclosure and this includes whistleblowing.
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels militaires des Forces Armées Béninoises, Article 9
Loi portant lutte contre la corruption et autres infractions connexes en République du Bénin, 28 août 2011, Article 29 - http://www.jolome.com/dir/article.php?i=25771&t=direct adopté la
Sécurité nationale et droit à l’information : Document d’orientation BENIN - 1http://www.right2info.org/resources/publications/pretoria-finalization-meeting-april-2013-documents/national-security-and-rti-in-benin/at_download/file
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Article 9 of the Statutes of the Armed Forces prevents personnel from any information disclosure and this includes whistleblowing.
Suggested score: 1
Is special attention paid to the selection, time in post, and oversight of personnel in sensitive positions, including officials and personnel in defence procurement, contracting, financial management, and commercial management?
Researcher4326: Though there are some minimum requirements, nominations are submitted by the Head of State in close collaboration with the Minister for Defence and in accordance with the law on general organisation of defence in Benin. According to the law, NCO's cannot be nominated for some positions such as chief of staff or commander in chief or other sensitive positions including officials and personnel in defence procurement, contracting, financial management, and commercial management.
But there is no publicly available evidence suggesting that special attention is paid to personnel in these positions .
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P. D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 26, 29, 32, 40, 45
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;De nouvelles nominations au Ministère de la Défense et au Cabinet militaire du Chef de l’Etat&quoute; 24h au Bénin, September 30, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2620
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Is the number of civilian and military personnel accurately known and publicly available?
Researcher4326: On government websites the number of military personnel is given as 'around 11,000 people'.
There is no evidence beyond this that the exact number of civilian and military personnel is accurately known and publicly available.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agreed. Score updated accordingly to 1, and sources added to the main commentary.
Benin Armed Forces, http://www.defenceweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=29350:benin&catid=119:african-militaries&Itemid=255, last modified 06 February 2013
World Bank, 'Armed forces personnel' http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.TOTL.P1
Innocentia Apovo and Miranda Gaanderse, 'Benin' in Miranda Gaanderse, Kristin Valasek (eds) ' The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa: A survey of police, defence, justice and penal services in ECOWAS states', DCAF, 2011,
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: IISS puts the number of active personnel in Benin's army at 6,950, with an additional 2,500 paramilitary and gendarmerie, while IHS Jane's puts it at 7,700. Considering the discrepancy between these numbers and that alluded to by the government, it is possible that ghost soldiers do exist on the payroll, but there is no well-documented evidence to suggest that this practice is present. Furthermore, the discrepancy may also be partially accounted for if the first two numbers do not include civilian personnel in the Ministry of Defence or elsewhere, although it is unlikely that there are an additional 2,500 civilian personnel present.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: International statistics would imply a lower number of armed personnel. The World Bank database estimated the number at 9,450 between 2010-2014. Researchers at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces in 2010 reported the number of personnel as: between 8,000-9,000 within the army, 500-800 within the air force, 2,360 in the police, and about 2,800 in the gendarmerie. No figures were available for the navy.
World Bank, 'Armed forces personnel' http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.TOTL.P1
Innocentia Apovo and Miranda Gaanderse, 'Benin' in Miranda Gaanderse, Kristin Valasek (eds) ' The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa: A survey of police, defence, justice and penal services in ECOWAS states', DCAF, 2011,
Suggested score: 1
Are pay rates and allowances for civilian and military personnel openly published?
Researcher4326: According to law, categories for payment are clearly defined by the general statutes of armed forces and for salary purposes, laws on civil service are applied to both military personnel and civilians.
But no information on defence sector pay rates or allowances is available publicly, beyond the knowledge that these employees are paid at least the national minimum wage (see Q40).
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 20, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
LOI N° 86-014 du 26 Septembre 1986, portant Code des Pensions Civiles et Militaires de Retraite, article 1
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Do personnel receive the correct pay on time, and is the system of payment well-established, routine, and published?
Researcher4326: Personnel receive the correct pay on time.
A report of the West African economic and monetary union (UEMOA) suggests that the military personnel salary is included to the one of civil servants. Military and civilians of the Ministry of Defence are all civil servants and the minimum wage (around 90USD monthly) is applied to all employees.
There is no evidence that defence personnel do not receive the correct pay on time that the system of payment is not well-established and routine.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agreed. Sources added, and score changed accordingly, to 3.
&quoute;Bénin : le Smig passe de 30 000 à 40 000 fcfa&quoute;, La Nouvelle Tribune, April 19, 2014 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/actualite/une/19107-benin-le-smig-passe-de-30-000-a-40-000-fcfa
Allassani Tigri, &quoute;Conseil des ministres: Le SMIG passe de 31.625 à 40.000 FCFA au Bénin&quoute;, Les 4 Vérités, April 22, 2014 - http://www.les4verites.info/Le-SMIG-passe-de-31-625-a-40-000.html
ETUDE SUR LA DEFINITION DU CONCEPT ET DU CONTENU DE LA MASSE SALARIALE AU SEIN DES ETATS MEMBRES DE L’UEMOA, pp 20-34, (UEMOA : 2011), http://www.afritacouest.org/images/abidjan_8_12_avril_2013/Pr%C3%A9sentation/11.pdf
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: While there is no evidence of personnel receiving incorrect pay, or the use of discretionary adjustments, not much information on the payment system is publicly available.
Due to the high level of cases of ghost soldiers, there have been minor adjustments to the payment system in recent years, namely that personnel must register in person once a year.
Suggested score: 3
Is there an established, independent, transparent, and objective appointment system for the selection of military personnel at middle and top management level?
Researcher4326: The law on general organisation of national defence decline criteria for appointment, but oversight of the processes by independent personnel is not publicly available.
There is no evidence of the use of objective job descriptions or assessment processes.
For nominations to certain positions, one needs to have been an officer. Nominations for senior positions are handled by the Head of State with assistance from the Minister for Defence.
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale
De nouvelles nominations au Ministère de la Défense et au Cabinet militaire du Chef de l’Etat, 24h au Bénin, November 30, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2620
LOI N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels militaires des Forces Armées Béninoises.(JORB : 2006)
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are personnel promoted through an objective, meritocratic process? Such a process would include promotion boards outside of the command chain, strong formal appraisal processes, and independent oversight.
Researcher4326: In accordance with the General Statute of Armed Forces (Art. 97), personnel promotions are handled through formal appraisal processes led by the Promotion Commission (Commission Nationale d'Avancement). The Minister for Defence establishes the promotion board using the Commission's report. The board may sometimes be influenced by the minister, though there is no publicly available proof that this occurs.
Nevertheless, there is still no evidence of independent scrutiny being paid to the promotion of senior personnel.
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 97, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
S. Toko, &quoute;51ème anniversaire de l’indépendance du Bénin : 5 officiers des forces armées promus au grade de général&quoute; HuffingtonPost.fr, August 1, 2011 - http://archives-lepost.huffingtonpost.fr/article/2011/08/01/2560529_51eme-anniversaire-de-l-independance-du-benin-5-officiers-des-forces-armees-promus-au-grade-de-general.html
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Where compulsory conscription occurs, is there a policy of not accepting bribes for avoiding conscription? Are there appropriate procedures in place to deal with such bribery, and are they applied?
Researcher4326: Article 10 on the Law on Compulsory Conscription explicitly forbids the asking or taking of bribes for avoiding conscription. The National Conscription Committee is responsible for all procedures including the implementation of Article 10 (the committee works under the authority of the Minister for Defence and the Armed Forces Chiefs).
Conscription is open to all citizens and takes place at least once annually.
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Loi n° 2007-27 du 23 octobre 2007, portant institution du service militaire d'intérêt national, article 10
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
With regard to compulsory or voluntary conscription, is there a policy of refusing bribes to gain preferred postings in the recruitment process? Are there appropriate procedures in place to deal with such bribery, and are they applied?
Researcher4326: The National Anti-Corruption Authority was set up in 2013 and is responsible for anti-corruption law implementation in Benin. The law applies to all civil servants including the armed forces. In its first chapter, several kinds of bribery are listed with corresponding sanctions. Additionally, Article 6 of the General Statute of Armed Forces Personnel states that before being conscripted one should bring proof of integrity.
The Law on Compulsory Conscription (article 10) states that one must refuse bribes offered in order to gain preferred postings in the recruitment process, with the Commission on Compulsory Conscription addressing wrong-doing in such cases.
Peer Reviewer 2's comments provide some evidence that these misdemeanours do occur, and are increasingly publicised and punished, as according to the laws.
Loi portant lutte contre la corruption et autres infractions connexes en République du Bénin du 28 août 2011, Chapter 1, http://levenementprecis.com/?p=8236
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 6, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
LOI n° 2007-27 du 23 octobre 2007 portant institution du service militaire d'intérêt national, Article 10, (JORB :2008)
Le Matinal, 'Pour usage de faux documents administratifs dans l’armée béninoise : 93 militaires rétrogradés' Benin Presse, June 8, 2015, http://www.beninpresse.info/2015/06/pour-usage-de-faux-documents-administratifs-dans-l-armee-beninoise-93-militaires-retrogrades.html
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: In June 2015, two soldiers found to have lied about their rank, or used fake documents to advance, were demoted. It was reported a further 91 individuals within the armed forces were suspected of doing the same, and would likely face future demotions.
Le Matinal, 'Pour usage de faux documents administratifs dans l’armée béninoise : 93 militaires rétrogradés' Benin Presse, June 8, 2015, http://www.beninpresse.info/2015/06/pour-usage-de-faux-documents-administratifs-dans-l-armee-beninoise-93-militaires-retrogrades.html
Suggested score:
Is there evidence of 'ghost soldiers', or non-existent soldiers on the payroll?
Researcher4326: There have been 942 cases of ghost workers reported in the past five years by the Ministry of Finance, with some people continuing to collect the salaries of died or retired workers, including defence workers. No evidence is available on defence workers.
However, the Ministry of Finance is working to reform payment systems in order to prevent such instances of ghost soldiers. For example, each year, all civil servants including defence workers now have to go in person to the Ministry of Finance with all relevant documentation and identification in order to register for the payroll.
Rodrigue Tokpodounsi, &quoute;Recensement à la Fonction publique: 948 Ape fictifs découverts&quoute;, Adjinakou, September 27, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-recensement-a-la-fonction-publique-948-ape-fictifs-decouverts-120278260.html
Charles Honvoh, &quoute;Fonction Publique: Les fonctionnaires fictifs à nouveau dans le viseur du gouvernement&quoute;, Adjinakou, November 14, 2013 - http://www.construirelebenin.info/article-fonction-publique-les-fonctionnaires-fictifs-a-nouveau-dans-le-viseur-du-gouvernement-121112890.html
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Steps are being taken to prevent or at least reduce this phenomenon including the mandatory registration of all MoD employees with the Ministry of Finance. Nevertheless, the ghost soldier phenomenon is unlikely to be completely eradicated, particularly considering the difficulties inherent in closely administering expeditionary deployments including UN missions.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are chains of command separate from chains of payment?
Researcher4326: Chains of command are strictly separated from chains of payment throughout the ministry and armed forces, as is made clear to the public.
Article 4 of the Ministry of Defence's published statutes states that chains of command are to be separated from technical directions including planning and financial issues. Nominations to head command chains or payment direction are done by the Ministry of Defence and the Head of State.
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;De nouvelles nominations au Ministère de la Défense et au Cabinet militaire du Chef de l’Etat&quoute; , 24h au Bénin, September 30, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2620
Decrét N° 2007-150 du 3 avril 2007 Portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du Ministère de la Défense Nationale, article 4
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: There is published evidence in the Ministry of Defence's public statutes that chains of command must be independent from financial functions, and as such the separation is in place and codified.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Is there a Code of Conduct for all military and civilian personnel that includes, but is not limited to, guidance with respect to bribery, gifts and hospitality, conflicts of interest, and post-separation activities?
Researcher4326: The Law on Corruption works as a code of conduct that applies to all civil servants including military personnel. Its chapters 3, 5 and 7 include guidance with respect to bribery, gifts and hospitality, and conflicts of interest. Guidelines for dealing with the same issues are also given in Article 9 of the General Stature of Military Personnel. Both of these sources are publicly available.
In 2014, four defence workers were removed from the army for bribery, showing that there is some enforcement of these rules.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agree with score challenge.
Loi portant lutte contre la corruption et autres infractions connexes en République du Bénin du 28 août 2011, Chapter 3, 5 and 7
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 9, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Bénin : Quatre agents des Forces de l’ordre radiés pour rançonnement de voyageurs burkinabè , La nouvelle Tribune, 2014/07/05, http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/benin/20169-benin-quatre-agents-des-forces-de-l-ordre-radies-pour-ranconnement-de-voyageurs-burkinabe
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The code of conduct is not specific to the armed forces, so it may not comprehensively cover the issues on conflicts of interests and post-separation activities etc.
Suggested score: 3
Is there evidence that breaches of the Code of Conduct are effectively addressed ,and are the results of prosecutions made publicly available?
Researcher4326: There are strong indications that breaches of the law on corruption are effectively addressed on the defence and security side.
Media articles suggest that four armed forces members were removed from the army for corruption last year. Results of the prosecutions were taken during the cabinet meeting and made publicly available (see above).
Conseil des ministres : Quatre agents de sécurité radiés pour rançonnement, La Presse du Jour, 07/07/14, http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34740
Bénin : six agents radiés de la fonction publique pour corruption, Xinhua: 2014/07/06, http://french.china.org.cn/foreign/txt/2014-07/06/content_32866749.htm
Rançonnement à l’aéroport de Cotonou:Quatre agents des forces de sécurité radiés de la fonction publique, Adjinakou:2014/07/11, http://www.journal-adjinakou-benin.info/?id=4&cat=6&id2=22663&jour=11&mois=07&an=2014
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Although there are examples of dismissals based on corruption, this is not proportionate to the levels of corruption reported. Therefore, while some breaches of conduct are dealt with - such as those listed in the source list - military and civilian personnel that engage in small scale bribery and facilitation payments (or other &quoute;minor&quoute; infractions of the code) are likely to go unpunished.
Suggested score:
Does regular anti-corruption training take place for military and civilian personnel?
Researcher4326: Until now, there has been no known anti-corruption training specifically for defence personnel.
But irregular seminars on anti-corruption and good governance are organised by Anti-Corruption Authority. In addition to this, the General State Inspectorate gathers all civil services controllers including those working under the defence and security ministers to attend these seminars.
Olivier Ribouis, &quoute;Prévention et lutte efficace contre la corruption: l’Anlc et ses partenaires en atelier&quoute;, La Nouvelle Tribune, April 9, 2014 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/societe/vie-societale/18929-prevention-et-lutte-efficace-contre-la-corruption-l-anlc-et-ses-partenaires-en-atelier
Marc Kossou, &quoute;Bonne gouvernance au Bénin : Les inspecteurs des services publics en formation&quoute;, Adjinakou, June 3, 2014 - http://news.acotonou.com/h/25381.html
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Is there a policy to make public outcomes of the prosecution of defence services personnel for corrupt activities, and is there evidence of effective prosecutions in recent years?
Researcher4326: Chapters 3, 5 and 7 of the Law on Anti-Corruption state that outcomes of the prosecution of defence services personnel for corrupt activities must be made public.
There are some examples available as evidence of effective prosecutions, such as in 2013, when a defence worker was arrested, judged and jailed for corruption and robbery. This year, four defence and security workers were removed from their posts for bribery (see media articles listed above).
However, the US Department of State, '2010 Human Rights Report: Benin', April 8, 2011 suggests that there is public scepticism over whether attempted prosecutions have been suppressed or inappropriately sanctioned.
Conseil des ministres : Quatre agents de sécurité radiés pour rançonnement, La Presse du Jour, 07/07/14, http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34740
Benin : Au lieu de sécuriser la population, un policier braque, (koaci.com: 2013/30/07), http://koaci.com/benin-lieu-securiser-population-policier-braque-84221.html
&quoute;Bénin : Quatre agents des Forces de l’ordre radiés pour rançonnement de voyageurs burkinabè&quoute;, La Nouvelle Tribune, July 5, 2014, http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/actualite/une/20169-benin-quatre-agents-des-forces-de-l-ordre-radies-pour-ranconnement-de-voyageurs-burkinabe
Loi portant lutte contre la corruption et autres infractions connexes en République du Bénin du 28 août 2011, Chapter 3, 5 and 7, http://levenementprecis.com/?p=8236
'2010 Human Rights Report: Benin', US Department for State, http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2010/af/154331.htm,accessed 27 September 2015
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are there effective measures in place to discourage facilitation payments (which are illegal in almost all countries)?
Researcher4326: Facilitation payments are strictly illegal in Benin and mechanisms to punish offenders are in place and are effectively applied. The General Inspectorate works on corruption cases. The army and the government sometimes set up an independent committee to clarify corruption cases and results are made public.
For instance, four soldiers were removed for bribery this year, and the government published outcomes of investigations along with their names to discourage future corruption. It also announced that a toll-free number is made public for cases reporting.
But the US Department of State, '2010 Human Rights Report: Benin', April 8, 2011,suggests that most households in the country consider the police corrupted, suggesting that facilitation payments are still very much a part of life in Benin, as told by Peer Reviewer 2 below.
Response to Peer Reviewers: While both reviewers' comments are welcome, the score has been changed in line with the comments of Peer Reviewer 1, as this best befits the information available on the topic.
Rançonnements et corruption sur les axes routiers au Bénin : L’Uemoa donne des directives pour limiter les dégâts, Le Matinal, 04/27/2014, http://www.jolome.com/dir/article.php?i=101465&t=bac
Conseil des ministres : Quatre agents de sécurité radiés pour rançonnement, La Presse du Jour, 07/07/14, http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34740
&quoute;Bénin : Réduction de postes de contrôle&quoute;, Xinhua, April 28, 2014 - http://www.afriquinfos.com/articles/2014/4/28/benin-reduction-postes-controle-252083.asp
Loi portant lutte contre la corruption et autres infractions connexes en République du Bénin du 28 août 2011, Chapter 3, 5 and 7, http://levenementprecis.com/?p=8236
US Department of State, '2010 Human Rights Report: Benin', April 8, 2011, http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2010/af/154331.htm
Elieth Eyebiyi, &quoute;Leurres et lueurs de la lutte contre la corruption au Bénin.&quoute;, EspacesTemps.net, Travaux, January 1, 2013
Business Anti-Corruption Portal, Business Corruption in Benin, http://www.business-anti-corruption.com/country-profiles/sub-saharan-africa/benin/snapshot.aspx
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The legal framework exists but is likely only selectively applied, particularly at the local level. Mechanisms do exist to punish infractions both at the judicial and military level, depending on the severity of the charge. It is impossible to track the prevalence of minor facilitation payments at the local level, however, and it is likely that these occasionally or regularly go unrecorded. As such, the reviewer suggests a more conservative score of 3.
Suggested score: 3
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Despite the legal framework, reports of facilitation payments and other small bribes (including low-level extortion by police officers) are widespread. Most households in the country reportedly consider the police corrupt.
US Department of State, '2010 Human Rights Report: Benin', April 8, 2011, http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/2010/af/154331.htm
Elieth Eyebiyi, &quoute;Leurres et lueurs de la lutte contre la corruption au Bénin.&quoute;, EspacesTemps.net, Travaux, January 1, 2013
Suggested score: 2
Do the armed forces have military doctrine addressing corruption as a strategic issue on operations?
Researcher4326: Benin has no known military doctrine addressing corruption issues for peace and conflict. However, the law on general statute of armed forces indicates in article 6 that to be recruited one should prove integrity and good morality.
More generally however, the law on anti-corruption addresses corruption as a strategic issue for all public service workers.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agreed. Comments and score updated accordingly.
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 6, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Loi portant lutte contre la corruption et autres infractions connexes en République du Bénin du 28 août 2011, Chapter 3, 5 and 7, http://levenementprecis.com/?p=8236
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: There have been instances of senior figures within the armed forces acknowledging the negative implication of corruption on operations. This includes the response to the frequent 'ghost soldier' cases, which has led to a reform of the registration and payment system. The armed forces are therefore aware of the issue of corruption, but no doctrine is in place.
Suggested score: 1
Is there training in corruption issues for commanders at all levels in order to ensure that these commanders are clear on the corruption issues they may face during deployment? If so, is there evidence that they apply this knowledge in the field?
Researcher4326: There is no anti-corruption training specifically for commanders. Some irregular anti-corruption seminars organised by the Anti-corruption Authority and the General State Inspectorate is given to all civil services controllers including those from defence and security ministries. Despite the irregular and limited training, no evidence was found of corruption issues being mishandled in the field.
Response to Peer Reviewer 1: Unfortunately no verifiable evidence was found to indicate what anti-corruption training may be provided to personnel, if any. It is also unclear if there is evidence that they apply this knowledge in the field. Score and comments selected in line with this.
Olivier Ribouis, &quoute;Prévention et lutte efficace contre la corruption: l’Anlc et ses partenaires en atelier&quoute;, La Nouvelle Tribune, April 9, 2014 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/societe/vie-societale/18929-prevention-et-lutte-efficace-contre-la-corruption-l-anlc-et-ses-partenaires-en-atelier
Marc Kossou, &quoute;Bonne gouvernance au Bénin : Les inspecteurs des services publics en formation&quoute;, Adjinakou, June 3, 2014 - http://news.acotonou.com/h/25381.html
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: While there is no training conducted specifically as a pre-deployment requisite, or uniquely focused towards commanders, most personnel undergo some form of anti-corruption training. As such, the reviewer suggests a score of 2.
Suggested score: 2
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are trained professionals regularly deployed to monitor corruption risk in the field (whether deployed on operations or peacekeeping missions)?
Researcher4326: The role of the General Inspectorates of Defence and Security Ministries is to monitor corruption, produce yearly reports to the supreme court, ministers, the general state inspection and to the anti-corruption authority. But these reports are not publicly available.
But there is no evidence that trained professionals are deployed in the field for corruption monitoring.
Olivier Ribouis, &quoute;Prévention et lutte efficace contre la corruption: l’Anlc et ses partenaires en atelier&quoute;, La Nouvelle Tribune, April 9, 2014 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/societe/vie-societale/18929-prevention-et-lutte-efficace-contre-la-corruption-l-anlc-et-ses-partenaires-en-atelier
Marc Kossou, &quoute;Bonne gouvernance au Bénin : Les inspecteurs des services publics en formation&quoute;, Adjinakou, June 3, 2014 - http://news.acotonou.com/h/25381.html
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Despite the role played by the General Inspectorates domestically, there is no evidence suggesting that specific anti-corruption personnel are deployed to the field or generally externally.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Where inspectors are deployed, these are to the ministry, and are more likely to monitor civilian roles in the military - there are no indications for the inspectorate to send individuals to monitor activities of the armed forces abroad.
Suggested score:
Are there guidelines, and staff training, on addressing corruption risks in contracting whilst on deployed operations or peacekeeping missions?
Researcher4326: There are no relevant guidelines or training on addressing corruption risks in place. Article 19 of the general statute of armed forces does warn about corruption at any stage of the work.
However, all peacekeeping missions undergo training before deployment, even though this training does not necessarily specifically address corruption.
Loi N° 2005-43 du 26 juin 2006 portant statut général des personnels des forces armées béninoises, Article 19, http://track.unodc.org/LegalLibrary/LegalResources/Benin/Laws/Benin%20Portant%20Statut%20General%20Des%20Personnels%20Militaires%20Des%20Forces%20Arm%C3%A9es%202006.pdf
Ben-Saïd Adjiboyrihan, &quoute;Renforcement de partenariat militaire entre le Bénin et les Etats-Unis&quoute;, La Nouvelle Tribune, July 19, 2011, http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8607:renforcement-de-partenariat-militaire-entre-le-benin-et-les-etats-unis&catid=26:vie-societale&Itemid=77
Laura Burke, 'WikiLeaks: UN Peacekeepers Traded Food For Sex' Huffington Post, January 9, 2011, accessed June 22 ,2015, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/01/wikileaks-un-peacekeepers_n_944917.html
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: There is no evidence to indicate that there is specific pre-deployment training on anti-corruption issues beyond the standard basic awareness training delivered to most MoD personnel.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Training on the conduct of peacekeepers in areas other than corruption issues has been shown to be lacklustre, which limits the likelihood of efficient training on the matter at hand. In 2011, a Wikileaks cable reported on a Save the Children poll taken in Cote d'Ivoire, which revealed that Beninese peacekeepers had traded food for sex with underage girls. The soldiers involved were repatriated and barred from participating in UN missions. At the time, the UN spokesman claimed that is was 'a command and control problem.
Laura Burke, 'WikiLeaks: UN Peacekeepers Traded Food For Sex' Huffington Post, January 9, 2011, accessed June 22 ,2015, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/01/wikileaks-un-peacekeepers_n_944917.html
Suggested score:
Private Military Contractors (PMCs) usually refer to companies that provide operational staff to military environments. They may also be known as security contractors or private security contractors, and refer to themselves as private military corporations, private military firms, private security providers, or military service providers.
Researcher4326: Private military contractors are not employed in Benin. However in 2007 the government allowed for the creation of a municipality police - a group that works under the responsibility of the major, but does not constitute a militia.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agreed. Comments and sources adjusted. The score has been changed to a 2, as, while PMCs are not employed, there are nevertheless no regulations explicitly banning their use. There is not enough proof here that Benin has insulated itself against the risk of corruption with regards to PMCs and their operations.
&quoute;Sécurité dans la ville de Cotonou: Nicéphore Soglo met en place la police municipale&quoute;, L'évènement précis, March 15, 2007 - http://levenementprecis.com/?p=2311
Yao Hervé Kingbêwé, &quoute;Bénin : violents heurts entre population et policiers municipaux à Cotonou&quoute;, La Nouvelle tribune, May, 24, 2014 - http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php/societe/vie-societale/19614-benin-violents-heurts-entre-population-et-policiers-municipaux-a-cotonou
Innocentia Apovo and Miranda Gaanderse, 'Benin' in Miranda Gaanderse, Kristin Valasek (eds) 'The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa: A survey of police, defence, justice and penal services in ECOWAS states', DCAF, 2011,
Théodore C. Loko, “Benin,” in Perspectives on Security Sector Governance in Francophone West Africa, ed. Alan Bryden and Boubacar N’Diaye (Geneva: DCAF, 2011)
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: There have been documented cases of private contractors, including Military Professional Resources International (MPRI) being present in the country and training Benin's army as part of the US Africa Crisis Response Initiative. However there is no clear indication of regulations surrounding and it is likely that this training was carried out under a military assistance programme and not as a body contracted by the government. As such there are no indications of specific applicable regulations.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: While private military contractors are not employed, there are a significant number of private security companies that operate (roughly 50 were licensed in 2011). This has been due to perceived shortcomings in the police's ability to control high crime rates. The sector is regulated by the Ministry of Public Security, and there is cooperation between the private companies and public forces. For the most, they are staffed with demobilised members of the armed forces. Most of the regulation is concerned with who can get involved in the sector - it bans those who have engaged in dishonourable acts, or have previously been bankrupted. However, one shortcoming in the regulation is that PSCs are responsible for the training of their recruits, which lacks accountability.
Innocentia Apovo and Miranda Gaanderse, 'Benin' in Miranda Gaanderse, Kristin Valasek (eds) ' The Security Sector and Gender in West Africa: A survey of police, defence, justice and penal services in ECOWAS states', DCAF, 2011,
Théodore C. Loko, “Benin,” in Perspectives on Security Sector Governance in Francophone West Africa, ed. Alan Bryden and Boubacar N’Diaye (Geneva: DCAF, 2011)
Suggested score: 3
Does the country have legislation covering defence and security procurement and are there any items exempt from these laws?
Researcher4326: The Law on Procurements and Delegations voted in by the parliament in 2009 by the parliament is applied to military issues.
But according to Article 7, the provisions of this Law are not applicable to works, supply, services or intellectual services when they relate to defence and national security issue that requiring secrecy and is incompatible with publicity measures (for more information here, please also see Q60).
Response to Peer Reviewers: Score challenge rejected. Given these exceptions, a low score seems the most appropriate.
Loi N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin. Article 7, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1 and 2
&quoute;Des députés interpellent Boni Yayi sur 100 milliards d'achat d'armes de guerre&quoute; koaci.com, August 24, 2009 - http://www.koaci.com/deputes-interpellent-boni-yayi-milliards-d%C2%92achat-d%C2%92armes-guerre-2805.html
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Legislation covering government procurement does exist, despite being vulnerable to easy circumvention by the executive. Therefore the reviewer suggests a score of 1.
Suggested score: 1
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Defence and security purchases occur under the 2009 procurement law. However, Article 7 states that it does not apply to matter of national security.
The 2009 weapons purchase discussed above was made as an off-budget purchase and was justified by the minister of defence declaring a state of emergency (hence making the purchase fall under Article 7). Despite this, the purchase was still questioned by parliament, showing that some post-deal scrutiny occurs for these off-budget purchases.
Suggested score: 2
Is the defence procurement cycle process, from assessment of needs, through contract implementation and sign-off, all the way to asset disposal, disclosed to the public?
Researcher4326: In Benin, the defence procurement cycle process, from assessment of needs, through contract implementation and sign-off, all the way to asset disposal, are disclosed to the public on marches-publics.bj
The parliament can participate in such a process at the planning step, where the annual budget is being debated and voted.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agreed. Comments and sources updated, and score changed accordingly.
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1, 2, 12, 13 and 16
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Ministère des finances et de l'économie, &quoute;Projet de Loi de finance pour la gestion 2014&quoute;, (Cotonou: October 2013), 97 - http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/rapport_presentation_bge_2014.pdf
Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 'Plan de passation', February 2, 2015, http://www.marches-publics.bj/index.php?option=com_plandepassation&plangestion=2015&task=list&Itemid=90&parentID=1&detail=1&planID=85645&autorite=81646
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The defence ministry publishes its annual procurement plan, in accordance with the 2009 procurement code. This can be found on the Public Procurement website (http://www.marches-publics.bj/). The plan is fairly detailed, and for each item provides information on the execution dates. However, there is no information on the needs assessment mechanisms used prior to the plan's production.
Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 'Plan de passation', February 2, 2015, http://www.marches-publics.bj/index.php?option=com_plandepassation&plangestion=2015&task=list&Itemid=90&parentID=1&detail=1&planID=85645&autorite=81646
Suggested score: 1
Are defence procurement oversight mechanisms in place and are these oversight mechanisms active and transparent?
Researcher4326: The Parliament, through its Commission on Security and Defence is responsible for scrutinising procurements. The whole of parliament also can ask questions and seek answers from the government on procurements or set up a special committee for oversight. There is also input from the General Inspector of Defence, whose role is coordinate the oversight mechanism with transparency.
However, the resulting reports are not publicly available but sent to the Supreme Court, and only as a formality. The Defence Ministry has published a procurement plan on http://www.marches-publics.bj, suggesting overall that while there is some evidence of oversight in these matters, we do not know enough to guess at whether these mechanisms are comprehensive; nor whether they operate consistently.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2 : Agreed. Comments updated and score changed accordingly to 2.
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1, 2, 12, 13 and 16.
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 7
ARMP, 'Missions et Attributions' http://www.armp.bj/index.php/presentation/missions-et-attributions
Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 'Plan de passation' ARMP, February 2, 2015, http://www.marches-publics.bj/index.php?option=com_plandepassation&plangestion=2015&task=list&Itemid=90&parentID=1&detail=1&planID=85645&autorite=81646
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The Defence Ministry publishes its procurement plan online, hence making it available for public scrutiny. Items that fall under Article 7 (matters of national security) are excluded.
The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) has oversight of all public procurement, including those items listed on the defence ministry's procurement plan. The ARMP carries out regular audits, which are published on the website. However, there are no published audits of the defence ministry. It is not clear what authority the ARMP has over items excluded for reasons of national security. However, those items can be scrutinised by parliamentary questioning, as was seen with the off-budget arms purchase in 2009.
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 7
ARMP, 'Missions et Attributions' http://www.armp.bj/index.php/presentation/missions-et-attributions
Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 'Plan de passation' ARMP, February 2, 2015, http://www.marches-publics.bj/index.php?option=com_plandepassation&plangestion=2015&task=list&Itemid=90&parentID=1&detail=1&planID=85645&autorite=81646
Suggested score: 2
Are actual and potential defence purchases made public?
Researcher4326: The defence ministry published an annual procurement plan, in accordance with the 2009 procurement code on the procurement website (http://www.marches-publics.bj/).
According to Article 7, the provisions of the Procurement law are not applicable to works, supply, services or intellectual services when they relate to defence and national security as they require secrecy or are incompatible with publicity measures.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agreed. In light of this evidence, the comments have been updated and the score selected accordingly. Please note that exemptions for security restricted items are considered an acceptable reason for nondisclosure, but for score 3 to be awarded, it must be clear that the bulk of defence purchases are disclosed and this restriction is therefore credible.
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Ministère des finances et de l'économie, &quoute;Projet de Loi de finance pour la gestion 2014&quoute;, (Cotonou: October 2013), 97 - http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/rapport_presentation_bge_2014.pdf
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
Code des marchés publics, 2009, Article 7, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics?showall=&limitstart=
Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 'Plan de passation', February 2, 2015, http://www.marches-publics.bj/index.php?option=com_plandepassation&plangestion=2015&task=list&Itemid=90&parentID=1&detail=1&planID=85645&autorite=81646
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: The majority of defence imports to Benin are reported by the exporting country or manufacturer in line with international reporting standards.
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The defence ministry publishes its annual procurement plan, in accordance with the 2009 procurement code. This can be found on the Public Procurement website (http://www.marches-publics.bj/). The plan is fairly detailed, and for each item provides information on the type of contract, amount, and planned dates. The plan does not include items excluded under Article 7 (issues of national security). However, in the 2015 plan, there is an item 'sensitive material for peacekeeping operations', with cost etc provided - this implies that at least sometimes, items can be listed in a general form on the public plan, with exact details excluded for security reasons.
Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 'Plan de passation', February 2, 2015, http://www.marches-publics.bj/index.php?option=com_plandepassation&plangestion=2015&task=list&Itemid=90&parentID=1&detail=1&planID=85645&autorite=81646
Suggested score: 3
What procedures and standards are companies required to have - such as compliance programmes and business conduct programmes - in order to be able to bid for work for the Ministry of Defence or armed forces?
Researcher4326: No requirements are made of defence companies beyond general company law, which does address corruption risk. The &quoute;code des marchés publics&quoute;, the code governing public procurements and public services delegations in Benin, requires companies bidding for government work to demonstrate appropriate standards however.
In all sectors including defence services, companies with prosecutions for corrupt activities may be partially or totally barred from bidding.
No evidence was found to verify if, in practice, the government discriminates between companies on the grounds of integrity.
Loi N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 35. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1 and 2
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are procurement requirements derived from an open, well-audited national defence and security strategy?
Researcher4326: Procurement requirements are derived from a national defence and security strategy. This is based on the general organisation of the national defence sector. Procurements are planned within the annual budget and submitted to the parliament committee for analysis and comments. The document is then submitted to the parliament for vote. There is indeed evidence that opportunistic purchases could occur.
Loi N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 35. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1 and 2
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Part of the issue is that a lack of specific training for those auditing the defence policy. They are unlikely to be able to identify whether or not the procurement plan lines up with the defence policy.
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008
Suggested score:
Are defence purchases based on clearly identified and quantified requirements?
Researcher4326: There is a formal procedure in place for defining purchase requirements, and all purchases should be planned by the government, discussed at the parliament and subject to vote. The law on the annual budget states that all expenses are subject to scrutiny by the parliament. However, there is no evidence that this is followed in practice or even if there are formal analyses that these requirements are followed.
The article above from Le grand Journal suggests that the government used extra budgetary funds to buy arms, meaning the purchases were not planned and discussed at the parliament.
Loi N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 35. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1 and 2
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
LOLF, 2013, http://fr.scribd.com/doc/172261481/2-Presentation-de-La-Lolf-Du-Benin#scribd
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Part of the issue is that a lack of training means that origin, nature and technological quality of new weapons is often not adequately assessed when it comes to weapons purchases.
Christophe C. Kougniazonde, 'Benin' in Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye (eds.) ' Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2008
Suggested score:
Is defence procurement generally conducted as open competition or is there a significant element of single-sourcing (that is, without competition)?
Researcher4326: According to Benin's Code of Public Procurement and Public Service Delegations, defence procurement is conducted as open competition.
Many media articles (2011, as cited above) suggest that Benin often buys arms and military equipments from Belgium as part of the military cooperation strategy between the two countries, and hence an element of single-sourcing is present.
&quoute;L’armée belge a revendu du matériel à 8 pays&quoute;, La libre Belgique, March 15, 2011, http://africadefencejournal.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/le-benin-le-maroc-et-le-tchad-achete-du-materiel-doccasions-belges/
&quoute;La Belgique a livré cinq hélicoptères Agusta au Bénin&quoute;, March 23, 2009, http://www.7sur7.be/7s7/fr/1502/Belgique/article/detail/788506/2009/03/23/La-Belgique-a-livre-cinq-helicopteres-Agusta-au-Benin.dhtml
Loi N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 35. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1 and 2
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
US Department of State, '2015 Investment Climate Statement - Benin' May 2015, http://www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/othr/ics/2015/241483.htm
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Benin receives both donated and purchases equipment. For example, in February 2013, Denel Mechem, part of Denel Land Systems, announced the sale of 10 Casspir 2000 mine-protected armoured personnel carriers to the Benin Army. In an example of donated equipment, three BAE Systems 748 transport aircraft were donated from Belgian surplus stocks in 2002-03. Public tenders issued by the government of Benin are rare and it appears most acquisitions are donations or single-source deals.
Source: Jane's Military and Security Assessments Centre
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: The US State Department report that public procurement can be an open or closed bid. The government is authorised to solicit companies that it short-lists based on their expertise. This process allows for discriminatory practices, including raising the risk of single sourcing.
US Department of State, '2015 Investment Climate Statement - Benin' May 2015, http://www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/othr/ics/2015/241483.htm
Suggested score:
Are tender boards subject to regulations and codes of conduct and are their decisions subject to independent audit to ensure due process and fairness?
Researcher4326: Tender boards are subject to regulations and codes of conduct (code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin). Benin has an independent auditing authority (the Autorité de régulation des marchés publics) which audits tender board decisions and reports the results of these audits openly. They are available online at armp.bj. The authority is nominated into their positions by the government.
But in accordance with article 7 of the procurement law, some tender boards are not subject to audit by the procurement authority.
Response to Peer Reviewers: Agree, adjusted score.
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 145, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
Archives Décisions et avis, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/component/content/article?id=54, Last updated January 2015
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Although there is an auditing body and regulations are codified, it is unlikely that best practices are followed in every instance and likely that tender boards and auditors are susceptible to pressure from the executive branch. Therefore the reviewer suggests a more conservative score of 3.
Suggested score: 3
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The ARMP publishes its audits online, and there is no evidence of an audit of the defence ministry procurements.
Over half of the items on the Ministry of Defence's procurement plan (available online), are listed as 'quotation requests' as opposed to 'open tender'. The former means that the government solicits quotations from companies it short-lists based on previous expertise. These will therefore not be subject to the same process of tender boards.
Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 'Plan de passation', February 2, 2015, http://www.marches-publics.bj/index.php?option=com_plandepassation&plangestion=2015&task=list&Itemid=90&parentID=1&detail=1&planID=85645&autorite=81646
Suggested score: 3
Does the country have legislation in place to discourage and punish collusion between bidders for defence and security contracts?
Researcher4326: Benin's general procurement code (code des marchés publics) and the procedures it put in place strongly disallows collusion. An offence can result in prosecution, debarment from current and future competitions, or other sanctions. There is no available evidence that the Authority is not independent although it is nominated by the government.
Early in 2015, the procurement regulation's Authority (ARMP) excluded six companies from any tender in that one year, for example (see ARMP source above).
However, there is no legislation specific to the defence sector which addresses collusion.
Conseil de régulation de l'ARMP, reached 2015/20/02, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/presentation/le-conseil-de-regulation
Six entreprises viennent d’être exclues de la commande publique pour un an par l’ARMP pour avoir fait usage de fausses attestations de bonne fin d’exécution dans une procédure initiée par SERHAU SA, reached 2015/20/02, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/16-actualites/125-les-entreprises-rapide-services-logic-la-sirenne-traferso-groupe-akinotcho-travaux-gat-et-afri-trvaux-exclues-de-la-commande-publique-pour-un-an
Archives décisions et avis, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/component/content/article?id=54 reached on August 28
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: The ARMP has no published audits of the defence ministry, which implies a lack of influence over defence procurement. This reduces the likelihood of effective prevention of collusion between defence contractors.
Suggested score:
Are procurement staff, in particular project and contract managers, specifically trained and empowered to ensure that defence contractors meet their obligations on reporting and delivery?
Researcher4326: All procurement staff including those from defence are trained and empowered by the National Procurement Regulation Authority to ensure that contractors meet their obligations on reporting and delivery. Media articles suggest that this has been done regularly by the authority as one of its key activities.
The Statutes of the defence ministry state that the procurement staff of the ministry is a team consisting of at least two specialists: a procurement specialist and a lawyer. The staff are nominated by the Ministers for Defence and Finance who can add any other people judged able to do the job.
The staff is trained on a yearly basis. If the tender reaches a given amount, it will be coordinated by the national public procurement directorate at the Ministry of Finance.
The defence procurement staff is organised into a professional staff department. There is no publicly available evidence of staff shortages and staff rotations which limit their ability to perform effective oversight of defence contractors or of undue influence from higher grades within the organisation.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Accepted, although the researcher has noted that the report is dated from 2012. Score changed from 4 to 3.
&quoute;Les acteurs des marchés publics de la Cour Suprême formés par l'ARMP&quoute;, http://www.armp.bj/, March 6, 2014, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/16-actualites/85-les-acteurs-des-marches-publics-de-la-cour-supreme-formes-par-l-armp
Euloge Badou, &quoute;Gestion des contentieux dans les marchés publics au Bénin : L’Armp reprécise ses attributions&quoute;, La Presse du Jour, July 16, 2014, http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34949
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin. http: www.armp.bj index.php reglementations code-des-marches-publics
ARRETE N° 2943/MDN/DC/SG/SA Du 18 octobre 2005 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du secrétariat général du Ministère de la Défense Nationale, section 4
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Although the training of staff is regular, and there is a commitment to continue this, there are still reports of shortcomings within the procurement process. This is likely to take several more years of capacity building to overcome.
African Development Fund, 'ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL REFORM SUPPORT PROGRAMME (PAREF)', May 2012, http://www.afdb.org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Documents/Project-and-Operations/BENIN_-_AR_-_Economic_and_Financiam_Reform_Support_Programme__PAREF__.pdf
Suggested score: 3
Are there mechanisms in place to allow companies to complain about perceived malpractice in procurement, and are companies protected from discrimination when they use these mechanisms?
Researcher4326: The National Procurement Regulation Authority's role is to receive complaints from companies and take a decision in accordance with the procurement code. For genuine (non-malicious) complaints, companies are well protected against discrimination in future procurements - early this year, six companies were excluded from public procurement services for one year. The authority's decisions are available online at armp.bj
However, there is no evidence that companies are protected when they complain about wrong-doing from the government.
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
Euloge Badou, &quoute;Gestion des contentieux dans les marchés publics au Bénin : L’Armp reprécise ses attributions&quoute;, La Presse du Jour, July 16, 2014 - http://www.lapressedujour.net/?p=34949
Décisions et avis de l'autorité de régulation des marchés publics, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/component/content/article?id=54 accesssed September 1, 2014.
Six entreprises viennent d’être exclues de la commande publique pour un an par l’ARMP pour avoir fait usage de fausses attestations de bonne fin d’exécution dans une procédure initiée par SERHAU SA. ARMP: 2015/12/01, http://armp.bj/index.php/16-actualites/125-les-entreprises-rapide-services-logic-la-sirenne-traferso-groupe-akinotcho-travaux-gat-et-afri-trvaux-exclues-de-la-commande-publique-pour-un-an
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: Formal mechanisms to lodge a complaint with the ARMP do exist, and have been strengthened through cooperation with the African Development Fund. However, given that the majority of defence-related procurements are not open tenders, these mechanisms do not apply. For the contracts that are filled through closed processes (the government approaching companies it perceives having the relevant expertise), the dispute mechanism is unclear.
Suggested score: 2
What sanctions are used to punish the corrupt activities of a supplier?
Researcher4326: In law, a wide range of sanctions are available against corrupt suppliers, from procurement executive-imposed debarment to legal sanctions, including heavy fines or imprisonment.
There is evidence that such sanctions are consistently applied in practice - the procurements regulation authority (ARMP) publishes quarterly a list of sanctioned companies. Following a company appeal, the Authority also rule on procurement staffs decisions. The first list of sanctioned companies was published early this year by the ARMP. Six companies were excluded from public procurement tenders for one year.
It is worth noting here however, that none of the available examples are from the defence or security sector.
Response to Peer Reviewer 2: Agreed. Comments and sources updated accordingly, and score changed to 3.
Loi N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 150. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
Archives Décisions et avis de l'ARMP, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/component/content/article?id=54, Last updated January 2015
Le Journal des Marchés Publics N° 627 du Jeudi 17 Juillet 2014, http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/journal_627_gabarit.pdf
Six entreprises viennent d’être exclues de la commande publique pour un an par l’ARMP pour avoir fait usage de fausses attestations de bonne fin d’exécution dans une procédure initiée par SERHAU SA. ARMP: 2015/12/01, http://armp.bj/index.php/16-actualites/125-les-entreprises-rapide-services-logic-la-sirenne-traferso-groupe-akinotcho-travaux-gat-et-afri-trvaux-exclues-de-la-commande-publique-pour-un-an
US State Department, '2015 Investment Climate Statement - Benin' http://www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/othr/ics/2015/241483.htm
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Disagree
Comment: The most commonly applied sanction is debarment, although it can also result in fines, as stipulated by the procurement code.
However, there are no examples of this occurring in relation to the defence sector, and given that most defence suppliers are selected by the government, a significant level of discrimination is present. In turn, this implies that corrupt activities by preferred suppliers will be overlooked.
US State Department, '2015 Investment Climate Statement - Benin' http://www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/othr/ics/2015/241483.htm
Suggested score: 3
When negotiating offset contracts, does the government specifically address corruption risk by imposing due diligence requirements on contractors? Does the government follow up on offset contract performance and perform audits to check performance and integrity?
Researcher4326: Belgium is a key partner to Benin's military development. As part of the cooperation plan between the two countries, Belgium trains Benin armed forces and sells arms to them (source 1, 2 and 6).
This is an offset agreement but there is no evidence to prove that there are formal agreements in place. No Beninese law explicitly forbids offset agreements, either, meaning that this question has a low score, due to this lack of oversight regarding corruption risk.
&quoute;L’armée belge a revendu du matériel à 8 pays&quoute;, La libre Belgique, March 15, 2011, http://africadefencejournal.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/le-benin-le-maroc-et-le-tchad-achete-du-materiel-doccasions-belges/
&quoute;La Belgique a livré cinq hélicoptères Agusta au Bénin&quoute;, March 23, 2009, http://www.7sur7.be/7s7/fr/1502/Belgique/article/detail/788506/2009/03/23/La-Belgique-a-livre-cinq-helicopteres-Agusta-au-Benin.dhtml
Loi N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 35. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1 and 2
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
COOPERATION MILITAIRE BENINO-BELGE, http://www.ambassadebenin.be/cooperation/militaire/ , last update March 2014
Belgian Wings, 'Benin bound Belgians', April 23, 2007, http://www.belgian-wings.be/Webpages/Navigator/News/Special%20Features/Benin/benin.htm
Jurgen Brauer and J. Paul Dunne, 'Arms Trade Offsets: What do We Know?' June 2004, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: The agreement with Belgium is described as a 'military cooperation' agreement, which they have maintained since the 1970s. Such arrangements are not uncommon - many European powers have them with former colonies, and the US also engages in such arrangements with numerous African countries - and they can often involve weapons donations. However, they do not usually involve arms purchases. Belgium is also known to have previous engaged in offset contracts.
Belgian Wings, 'Benin bound Belgians', April 23, 2007, http://www.belgian-wings.be/Webpages/Navigator/News/Special%20Features/Benin/benin.htm
Jurgen Brauer and J. Paul Dunne, 'Arms Trade Offsets: What do We Know?' June 2004, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Suggested score:
Does the government make public the details of offset programmes, contracts, and performance?
Researcher4326: All information on procurement from public services in Benin are published in the &quoute;Journal des marchés publics&quoute; available online at finances.bj. However, no procurement on logistics or arms are available in the Journal, making it difficult to find details of offset agreements.
No Beninese law explicitly forbids offset agreements, and the military cooperation between Belgium and Benin seems to include offset contracts: Belgium trains and sells arms to Benin. But there is no evidence to confirm that the relationship is set into a formal offset contract.
Article 7 of the procurement law suggests thats some procurements or agreements on defence issue would not have to be made publicly available, meaning that it is possible that there are offset contracts in place whose details remain entirely unpublished.
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
&quoute;Le Journal des Marchés Publics N° 627 du Jeudi 17 Juillet 2014&quoute;, http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/journal_627_gabarit.pdf reached on August 29, 2014
6)COOPERATION MILITAIRE BENINO-BELGE, http://www.ambassadebenin.be/cooperation/militaire/ , last update March 2014
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are offset contracts subject to the same level of competition regulation as the main contract?
Researcher4326: There is no evidence that Benin concludes offset agreements in defence and security sector, although its military cooperation with France or Belgium looks like an offset agreement. Offset contracts are either not subject to any level of competition regulation or are simply not competed.
Not all information on defence procurement are published in the &quoute;Journal des marchés publics&quoute; in accordance with Article 7 of the procurement law, making it hard to draw any definitive conclusions regarding this topic.
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin. Article 7.http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
&quoute;Le Journal des Marchés Publics N° 627 du Jeudi 17 Juillet 2014&quoute;, http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/journal_627_gabarit.pdf reached on August 29, 2014
COOPERATION MILITAIRE BENINO-BELGE, http://www.ambassadebenin.be/cooperation/militaire/ , last update March 2014
&quoute;L’armée belge a revendu du matériel à 8 pays&quoute;, La libre Belgique, March 15, 2011, http://africadefencejournal.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/le-benin-le-maroc-et-le-tchad-achete-du-materiel-doccasions-belges/
&quoute;La Belgique a livré cinq hélicoptères Agusta au Bénin&quoute;, March 23, 2009, http://www.7sur7.be/7s7/fr/1502/Belgique/article/detail/788506/2009/03/23/La-Belgique-a-livre-cinq-helicopteres-Agusta-au-Benin.dhtml
Loi N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 35. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Many technology transfers are also simply donations, for instance the three BAE Systems 748 transport aircraft that were donated from Belgian surplus stocks in 2002-03.
Source: Jane's Military and Security Assessments Centre
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
How strongly does the government control the company's use of agents and intermediaries in the procurement cycle?
Researcher4326: The role of the National Procurement Authority (ARMP) is to secure transparency and avoid corruption in all public tenders. Its strategies to reach these goals include publicity, sanctions and training. Article 7 of the Code of Public Procurements and Delegations of Public Services in Benin states that tenders from the defence sector are kept secret, and no public information is permitted.
But for public procurements in general, agents and intermediaries are controlled. According to article 127 of the Procurement law, where they are limited, there are controls to ensure the law is not circumvented.
No evidence is available on the effective enforcement of these laws, however, nor of the oversight provided over such agents and intermediaries.
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin. Article 7 & 127, http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
&quoute;Le Journal des Marchés Publics N° 627 du Jeudi 17 Juillet 2014&quoute;, http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/journal_627_gabarit.pdf reached on August 29, 2014
Ocea livre deux patrouilleurs au Bénin, RP Defence : 2012/12/06, http://rpdefence.over-blog.com/article-ocea-livre-deux-patrouilleurs-au-benin-107055915.html
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Are the principal aspects of the financing package surrounding major arms deals, (such as payment timelines, interest rates, commercial loans or export credit agreements) made publicly available prior to the signing of contracts?
Researcher4326: The role of the national procurement Authority (ARMP) is to secure transparency and avoid corruption in all public tenders. Its strategies to reach these goals include publicity, sanctions, training. Article 7 of the Code of Public Procurements and Delegations of Public Services in Benin states that tenders from defence sector are kept secret, and no public disclosure is permitted. This means that the principal aspects of the financing package surrounding major arms deals, (such as payment timelines, interest rates, commercial loans or export credit agreements) are not made publicly available prior to the signing of contracts.
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
&quoute;Le Journal des Marchés Publics N° 627 du Jeudi 17 Juillet 2014&quoute;, http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/journal_627_gabarit.pdf reached on August 29, 2014
Ocea livre deux patrouilleurs au Bénin, RP Defence : 2012/12/06, http://rpdefence.over-blog.com/article-ocea-livre-deux-patrouilleurs-au-benin-107055915.html
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
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Does the government formally require that the main contractor ensures subsidiaries and sub-contractors adopt anti-corruption programmes, and is there evidence that this is enforced?
Researcher4326: The government formally requires the main contractor to ensure that its subsidiaries and sub-contractors adopt anti-corruption programmes, but there is no evidence that this is enforced.
Article 127 of the procurement law states that: outsourcing of more than thirty percent (30%) of the total value of a contract is prohibited. Outsourcing can in no case lead to a substantial change in the holder's qualifications after contract award.
LOI N° 2009-02 DU 07 AOUT 2009 Portant code des marchés publics et des délégations de service public en République du Bénin, Article 127. http://www.armp.bj/index.php/reglementations/code-des-marches-publics
&quoute;Le Journal des Marchés Publics N° 627 du Jeudi 17 Juillet 2014&quoute;, http://www.finances.bj/IMG/pdf/journal_627_gabarit.pdf reached on August 29, 2014
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree
Suggested score:
How common is it for defence acquisition decisions to be based on political influence by selling nations?
Researcher4326: Normally, all procurements are planned and included in the annual budget so as to be discussed with the parliament. Benin has military cooperation agreements with several countries including France, Belgium, USA or Canada. These military cooperation agreements include arms procurement and technical assistance. Benin also buys military equipment from a wide range of countries including South Africa and other military partners.
There is no evidence that acquisitions are influenced by other political considerations.
Ocea livre deux patrouilleurs au Bénin, RP Defence : 2012/12/06, http://rpdefence.over-blog.com/article-ocea-livre-deux-patrouilleurs-au-benin-107055915.html
Benin; Army acquires CASSPIR 2000s, DMI: 2013/08/02, http://dmilt.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5618:-benin-army-acuires-casspir-2000s-&catid=36:africa&Itemid=55
COOPERATION MILITAIRE BENINO-BELGE, Ambassade du Bénin en Belgique : 2014, http://www.ambassadebenin.be/cooperation/militaire/
Relations Canada – Bénin, Gouvernement du Canada: 2014, http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/burkinafaso/bilateral_relations_bilaterales/bilateral_canada_benin.aspx?lang=fra
ORDONNANCE N° 70-42 C.P./D.N. du 24 juillet 1970 portant organisation générale de la Défense Nationale, Article 1 and 2
Romain L. KIKI, &quoute;Affaire 100 milliards d'achat d'armes : Les explications de Kogui N'douro attendues au Parlement&quoute; Le Grand Journal, September 1, 2009
Eugène Dossoumou, &quoute;Les grands axes du Budget de l’Etat exercice 2014&quoute;, 24h au Bénin, October 8, 2013 - http://www.24haubenin.info/spip.php?article2677
Ben-Saïd Adjiboyrihan, &quoute;Renforcement de partenariat militaire entre le Bénin et les Etats-Unis&quoute;, La Nouvelle Tribune, July 19, 2011, http://www.lanouvelletribune.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8607:renforcement-de-partenariat-militaire-entre-le-benin-et-les-etats-unis&catid=26:vie-societale&Itemid=77
Coopération militaire Bénin – Belgique : Un exemple de partenariat dans les opérations de maintien de la paix, Allassane Massouhoudou, November 2009, http://www.operationspaix.net/DATA/DOCUMENTTEXTE/4682.pdf
&quoute;La Belgique a livré cinq hélicoptères Agusta au Bénin&quoute;, March 23, 2009, http://www.7sur7.be/7s7/fr/1502/Belgique/article/detail/788506/2009/03/23/La-Belgique-a-livre-cinq-helicopteres-Agusta-au-Benin.dhtml
&quoute;L’armée belge a revendu du matériel à 8 pays&quoute;, La libre Belgique, March 15, 2011, http://africadefencejournal.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/le-benin-le-maroc-et-le-tchad-achete-du-materiel-doccasions-belges/
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: There is evidence that Benin conducts procurement of military equipment based on operational needs. For instance, in February 2013, Denel Mechem, part of Denel Land Systems, announced the sale of 10 Casspir 2000 mine-protected armoured personnel carriers to the Benin Army to plug a capability gap for armoured transport platforms. Similarly, Benin is planning to expand its aerial maritime surveillance capability amid high rates of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea.
Source: Jane's Military and Security Assessments Centre
Suggested score:
Opinion: Agree with Comments
Comment: Although there is a lack of clear needs assessment mechanisms, defence purchases are primarily based on the defence policy.
Suggested score:
Researcher4326: Formal rights exist in Constitution's article 79 for Benin parliament (Assemblée nationale) to scrutinise all policy including defence policy, and there is no evidence that the government influences votes in its favour, nor that any aspect of legislative scrutiny is missing.
The Assemblée nationale approves all laws including those on security, major arm procurements and exercises budgetary power. It has the power to turn down or amend all including defence policy but cannot veto these decisions.