This country is placed in Band D

Recommendations Unavailable

Policy recommendations not available for this country's assessment

Leadership 30

Is there formal provision for effective and independent legislative scrutiny of defence policy?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The government of Cape Verde is a parliamentary representative democratic republic, largely modelled on the Portuguese system. Article 183 of the Constitution of Cape Verde stipulates the organisation and functional powers of the National Assembly, which extends to provision for effective and independent legislative oversight of defence policy. The National Assembly has the exclusive power to enact laws and guidelines in matters of organisation, functioning and discipline of the Armed forces and Police.

The Government, meeting in the Council of Ministers, have the power to approve and present to the National Assembly the general account of the state and of other public entities. The Constitution of Cape Verde, 1992, stipulates that ‘The Supreme Council of National Defence shall be the specific organ for consultation on matters pertaining to national defence and the Armed Forces. The Supreme Council of National Defence shall be presided over by the President of the Republic, shall have the composition as determined by law and include civil and military entities.’

There is no evidence that the Parliament approves and vetoes laws on security, nor can the Parliament turn down or amend defence policy. The Constitution of Cape Verde endows the president with powers to influence the legislative process. Firstly, the head of state can issue a political veto and return the legislation to the organ which approved it. Secondly, the president can send a diploma to the Supreme Court of Justice in the case (s)he has doubts about the constitutionality of the legislation.

Since President Fonseca took office in 2011, he has issued 3 political vetoes. After receiving the Bill for Holders of Political Positions, it took President Fonseca less than 24 hours to use his veto power for the fourth time. In his message to Parliament on 9 April 2014, the President considered the concerns expressed by the citizens ‘legitimate’ and therefore decided to send the legislation back to Parliament. By using his veto power, President Fonseca has thus effectively checked the power of the Parliament.


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy,

Human Rights and Labour. 2013. Retrieved online

Bienvenu, E. & Sjoberg, A. nd. ‘Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online,d.ZGU

Presidential Power. 2014. &quoute;Cabo Verde – President Fonseca vetoes the Bill for Holders of Political Positions.&quoute;


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The comments address the power of the President rather than those of the Parliament per say.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The following link may help to complete the answer with an analysis from magistrates.ário%20sobre%20membros%20da%20UIJLP%20-%20%20Cabo%20Verde.pdf

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Does the country have an identifiable and effective parliamentary defence and security committee (or similar such organisation) to exercise oversight?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Cape Verde does not have an effective parliamentary defence and security committee to exercise oversight.

The Ministries of Defence, Interior and Justice are the central ministries charged with security sector oversight in Cape Verde. The president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and both the government led by the prime minister and the National Assembly are mandated with security governance. While efforts have been made to improve parliamentary control of the security sector and defence policy in particular, through specialised committees responsible for scrutiny of the security sector, oversight of the latter remains weak. For example, the National Assembly does not have the power to amend the defence budget. Within the police, there is an internal inspection service that provides general oversight.


Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Carlos Nunes Fernades dos Reis 2008. ‘Republic of Cape Verde’ in Parliamentary Oversight of the

Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N'Diaye (eds.). 2008. Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 105-106.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is the country's national defence policy debated and publicly available?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The Constitution and law of Cape Verde makes adequate provision for freedom of speech and press, and the government generally respected this provision. The Government publishes all the documents approved by the Parliament, including detailed tables, in the Official Bulletin.

However, the researcher could not access the national defence policy, which may indicate that it is not publicly available or easily accessible.

RESPONSE TO PEER REVIEWER 1: Agree with comments. From the sources indicated, there is indeed no evidence that defence policy is publicly debated or regularly updated. Score has been adjusted to 1.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Adilson de Jesus Cabral Tavares 2014. &quoute;Cape Verde and the challenges of contemporary international politics.&quoute; REVISTA REVISTA ESTUDOS POLÍTICOS ESTUDOS POLÍTICOS N.7 | 2013/02 N.7 | 2013/02 ISSN 2177-2851.

US Department of State 2013. CABO VERDE 2013 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT.

Official Statement Defining Cape Verde's National Security Policy: and and in practice (articles in the press including :,,c9d600f8-d026-44eb-83aa-48694fe0029c.html and


Opinion: Disagree

Comment: There is a defence policy available to the public, as shown in theory (official statement defining Cape Verde's national security and defence policy and and in practice (articles in the press including :,,c9d600f8-d026-44eb-83aa-48694fe0029c.html and

However, no evidence shows that defence policy is regularly updated. As a matter of fact the two only official statements defining Cape Verde's national security and defence policy dates from 2005 and 2011, and no newer official information has be found.

No evidence that defence policy is debated by the executive, legislature, and the public was found, but the existence of good press coverage in Portuguese and French (see above) shows that defence policy is not voluntarily kept secret by authorities.

No formal consultation process involving the public was found. The legislature's influence over defence policy cannot easily be established since no information was found on the presence or absence of defence policy being debated by the legislature.

Suggested score: 1

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Do defence and security institutions have a policy, or evidence, of openness towards civil society organisations (CSOs) when dealing with issues of corruption? If no, is there precedent for CSO involvement in general government anti-corruption initiatives?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is evidence of positive broader engagement occurring between CSOs and the government, though to date there appears to have been no work conducted on defence or corruption-related issues.

Cape Verde appears to have a democracy that requires information about government actions, and the effects of their defence policies from independent sources that are accessible to the public. There is evidence that defence and security institutions have an open policy towards CSOs, however it is unclear whether this policy might extend to corruption-related issues.

Research indicates the government generally respects freedom of speech and of the press. Journalists appear to be independent of the control of government, and are not intimidated by slander laws nor required to reveal their sources. The government generally recognises the need to collaborate with non-state actors such as civil society and the private sector in the provision of security. The police service cooperates mostly informally with civil society and other institutional actors, notably municipalities.

There is no publicly available evidence that defence and security institutions have a policy of openness towards civil society organisations (CSOs) when dealing with issues of corruption. However, there is evidence that Parliament is increasingly looking to make its activities more available to, and accessible by, the public. For example, the Cape Verdean Parliament features a brand new Data Processing Centre which, among other things, allows for the digital processing of parliamentary activity, automation of processes, electronic voting and to access information on legislative activities. The system permits the state to administer and publicize information produced by parliamentary activity in an integrated and automated manner. The main objective is to make Parliament more open and accessible to citizens by increasing public and civil society involvement and participation in the work of MPs and by fostering online interaction in legislative processes.


Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.

U.S. Department of State. 2007. ‘Background Note.’ InfoPlease website.

World Bank 2014. ‘Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online

Cláudio Alves Furtado. 2014. Social movements in Cabo Verde: processes, trends and vicissitudes. Chapter 12.

Agora 2015. Pro PALOP-TL SAI committed to support the efficiency and efficacy of Parliamentary processes and systems. 28 April.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Has the country signed up to international anti-corruption instruments such as, but not exclusively or necessarily, UNCAC and the OECD Convention? (In your answer, please specify which.)

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Cape Verde has signed (9 Dec 2003) and ratified (23 Apr 2008) the UN Convention against Corruption and there is strong evidence of compliance (the country is not eligible to sign the OECD Convention). In 2013, Cape Verde ranked 41st on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, trailing only Botswana in Africa.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

United Nations Treaty Collection. United Nations Convention against Corruption. Retrieved online
Freedom House. ‘Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:, 2013


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The following link is relevant for this question.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there evidence of regular, active public debate on issues of defence? If yes, does the government participate in this debate?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Cape Verde is largely consensus-oriented, with majority rule and civil liberties widely respected.

While government authorisation is needed to publish newspapers and other periodicals, freedom of the press is guaranteed in law and generally respected in practice. In Cabo Verde, parliamentary sessions are starting points in the processes of decision-making on important instruments such as the government budget which includes defence.

No public evidence was found of regular, active public debate on defence issues.


Peter Pham 2008. ‘Cape Verde: A Rare African Success.’ World Defence Review. Retrieved online

Freedom House. ‘Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:, 2013


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Does the country have an openly stated and actively implemented anti-corruption policy for the defence sector?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The country appears to have an effective and transparent anti-corruption policy for its governmental sectors, which includes the defence sector. The law provides penalties of up to 15 years’ imprisonment for corruption by government officials, including those in defence. Implementation plans exist and there is evidence of broad implementation, as corroborated by the fact that the country is ranked second least corrupt country in Africa by Transparency International 2013. The low level of corruption in Cape Verde is helped by the fact that the corruption is a crime punishable by law. Bribe is considered a criminal act and conviction could result in up to eight years in prison. To combat corruption effectively, the government established the High Authority Against Corruption.


African Development Bank 2012. Cape Verde: A Success Story. Regional — West 2 Department (ORWB) November. Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adilson de Jesus Cabral Tavares 2014. &quoute;Cape Verde and the challenges of contemporary internacional politics.&quoute; REVISTA REVISTA ESTUDOS POLÍTICOS ESTUDOS POLÍTICOS N.7 | 2013/02 N.7 | 2013/02 ISSN 2177-2851.

US Department of State 2013. CABO VERDE 2013 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are there independent, well-resourced, and effective institutions within defence and security tasked with building integrity and countering corruption?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is some evidence of independent, well-resourced and effective institutions within defence and security charged with building integrity and combating corruption.

Within the police service, for example, there is an internal inspection service that provides general oversight. There are also external oversight mechanisms/bodies. For example, the inspector-general of the police under the Ministry of Internal Administration oversees the police service and acts as a mediator. The National Assembly and its commission also oversees both the police service and the armed forces.

However, there have been rumoured cases of improper use of force and of corruption. These cases may point to the need for better oversight mechanisms to enhance control over the activities of police personnel. Other initiatives include continuing efforts to develop higher education institutions in the justice sector and increase competency on criminal investigations, drug interdiction, and intelligence among law enforcement professionals.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Does the public trust the institutions of defence and security to tackle the issue of bribery and corruption in their establishments?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Public evidence seems to suggest that incidents of bribery and corruption within defence and security is very rare and effectively and transparently addressed. Polls and press articles seem to point to a high level of public trust in the institutions of defence and security to tackle issues of bribery and corruption within their ranks. Few cases of corruption and police abuses were effectively investigated internally, and these investigations resulted occasionally in legal action against the perpetrators. The government established the High Authority Against Corruption to effectively combat corruption in the country, and parliament has added three addition prosecutors to enforce the law. In an empirical study of crime and corruption (in Cape Verde) conducted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, it was found that there was consensus among the different groups of respondents (including citizens, businesses and police officers) that the police in Cape Verde do a reasonably good job in preventing and controlling crime, both inside and outside its establishment. 88 percent of the respondents felt that the police was doing a very good job in combating crime and corruption.


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2007. Study on Crime and Corruption in Cape Verde. Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Mail and Guardian Africa. 2014. Botswana, Cape Verde ranked least corrupt in Africa but new report makes uncomfortable reading for continent. 8 December.

Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2014.

Afrobarometer Round 5: The Quality of Democracy and Governance in Cape Verde, 2011 (ICPSR 35547).

Freedom House. 2014. Cape Verde.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are there regular assessments by the defence ministry or another government agency of the areas of greatest corruption risk for ministry and armed forces personnel, and do they put in place measures for mitigating such risks?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence of regular assessments by the defence ministry or another government agency of the areas of greatest corruption risk for ministry and armed forces personnel.

However, the US Department of State notes that beyond some nepotism, corruption is relatively low. The government ratified the UN Convention against Corruption in 2008 and implemented the National Anti-Corruption Plan, which extends to defence services, in 2012. Thus, it appears likely that the government of Cape Verde has some awareness of the major areas of corruption risk for government and defence officials.


American Development Cooperation. ‘Cape Verde Country Profile.’ Retrieved online:, 2012

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2007. Study on Crime and Corruption in Cape Verde. Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. Country Report: Cabo Verde. BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AFFAIRS. 2014 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR).


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Were interviewees available to confirm this point?

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Not Qualified


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Does the country have a process for acquisition planning that involves clear oversight, and is it publicly available?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Cape Verde does not have a process for acquisition planning that involves clear oversight, nor does it have national code governing the acquisition planning, the procurement of goods/equipments or the performance of work, other than the use of consultants’ services. The country merely has arrangements set forth in decrees that government acquisition planning and procurement in specific sectors which are publicly available. Different reviews including PEMFAR, PEFA, PFM and Bank’s assessment on bidding procedures have identified gaps pertaining to the legal and regulatory framework which need to be corrected.


World Bank. (undated) ‘Country Procurement Assessment Report.’ 40412 v1. Retrieved online:

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Monetary Policy Report (Cape Verde), 2013.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is the defence budget transparent, showing key items of expenditure? This would include comprehensive information on military R&D, training, construction, personnel expenditures, acquisitions, disposal of assets, and maintenance.

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The state budget indicates the revenue and expenditure of the public administrative sector and includes the national security budget. The draft state budget is presented by government to the national assembly for approval. Budget execution is controlled by the court of accounts and the national assembly.

The budget and the fiscal risk oversight are comprehensive, and fiscal and budget information is accessible to the public. An economic, administrative and functional classification system is applied in both the formulation and execution of the budget. The functional classification disaggregated by functions and sub functions is well suited for the tracking of the functional structure of expenditure, being disaggregated until the last level.The budget does not cover military R&D, training, personnel expenditures, disposal of assets, and maintenance. Information is mainly aggregated, and there is no access to the country's budget online. Scant information on the Cape Verde budget and military expenditure can be gleaned from SIPRI Military Expenditure Database and from, however.

Military spending in the last 12 years (2001-2012) for Cape Verde was approximately $100,800,000. Decree no. 2/2007 of 21st, January approves the budgetary classifications for the State Budget. Law no.17/VII/2007 of 10th, September covers public purchases which are managed by contract either for the contracting of public works, the procurement of goods, the procurement of services, the licensing of public works or the licensing of public services. The 2013 budget has been elaborated for the first time according to a programmatic approach which significantly increases the quality of budget management and enables direct link between medium - and short-term planning.


SIPRI Military Expenditure Database. Retrieved online: Retrieved 9 August 2014. ‘Cape Verdean Military Budget.’ Retrieved online:, 2012

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

African Economic Outlook. ‘Cabo Verde 2014.’ Retrieved online:

Trading Economics 2015. Cape Verde Government Budget.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Disagree

Comment: The arguments used by the Country Assessor are valid and very much accepted but I believe as a peer reviewer that Cape Verde is in a higher degree of transparency than the one assessed. Cape Verde is known to be the African Country with the lowest rate of corruption, with clear institutions and oversights that work with limited resources but with efficiency.
The existence of particular institutions such as the ARAP are a clear indication of that.

Suggested score: 2

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there a legislative committee (or other appropriate body) responsible for defence budget scrutiny and analysis in an effective way, and is this body provided with detailed, extensive, and timely information on the defence budget?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Budgetary policy in Cape Verde is geared toward maintaining budgetary discipline so as to ensure the budgetary and financial sustainability of the government finance, consistent with sound macroeconomic policy. The budget is implemented in an orderly and predictable manner and there are arrangements for the exercise of control and stewardship in the use of public funds.

The National Assembly is mandated with security governance and oversight, including defence budget scrutiny and analysis. Article 98 (The budget preparation) of the Constitution clearly stipulates that: ‘The proposal for the State budget shall be presented by the Government and vetoed on by the National Assembly within the dates established by law. The shall establish the process to follow, whenever it is not possible to comply with the dates for the presentation of or for the vote on the budget. The budget proposal shall be accompanied by reports justifying the revenues and expenditures, the variations of such revenues and expenditures, as well as other elements that may be necessary.’

Article 99 (Budget monitoring) clearly stipulates that: ‘The implementation of the State budget shall be monitored by the Court of Audit and by the National Assembly which shall consider and approve the State General Account, in consultation with such Court.’

Despite clear efforts to improve parliamentary control of the security sector in particular, oversight of the latter remains weak. For instance, the National Assembly lacks the power to amend the defence budget. Other national oversight bodies include the National Security Council, led by the prime minister, and the Higher Council on National Defence, which is chaired by the president. The latter appears to be an advisory body concerned with defence issues and the armed forces, including military budget and expenditure. There is also the Council of the Republic which is an advisory board that addresses major issues, including security.

The government established the computerised Integrated System of Budget and Financial Management (SIGOF), as well as the Framework Law for the State Budget), to track all government revenues and expenditures with a built-in Internal Audit mechanism in the year 2002 that integrates tax revenue, the federal government budget, the Controller’s Office, and the Treasury.

Beyond this, however, there is no evidence that the advisory body is provided with detailed, extensive, and timely information on the defence budget and other defence-related spending.


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy,

Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online, 2013

Bienvenu, E. & Sjoberg, A. nd. ‘Cape Verde.’ 2013. Retrieved online,d.ZGU

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is the approved defence budget made publicly available? In practice, can citizens, civil society, and the media obtain detailed information on the defence budget?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The approved defence budget is publicly available. Article 97 (Budget) of the Constitution clearly stipulates that the State budget ‘shall respect the rule of annuality and publicity and shall be drawn up in such a form that all expenditures contemplated there in are effectively covered by revenues.’

The Budget Framework Law specifies that after the approval of the State Budget, the Government should take the necessary measure to ensure that it is executed through the approval and publication of the corresponding decree-law, specifying the norms and procedures for the execution of the State Budget.

Public access to key fiscal information is provided through various channels. The Government publishes all the documents approved by the Parliament, including detailed tables, in the Official Bulletin. An official website is made available to the public by the Ministry of Finance and publishes the same information as well as additional information related to its competences (legislation and procedures about the Tax system, directives and timetable for the formulation of the State Budget, Budget Execution Quarterly Reports, the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework, the Chart of Accounts, etc.) This site also contains links to various websites of the internal department of MF, notably the DGA ( which makes available information for the public.

This notwithstanding, a significant number of reports are not published or not published in a regular and timely manner. For example, the General State Account was not available online, neither was the most recently approved defence budget. The defence budget can be found in the official bulletin ( but citizens, civil society and the media must pay to obtain it.


Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Adelino Handem. 2008. ’Cape Verde’ Chapter 4. In Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and ‘Funmi Olonisakin (Eds.) Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa. Geneva Centre for the
Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).

Ministerio das financas e do Planeamento. 2014.

Alfandegas de Cabo Verde. 2014.


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The defence budget can be found in the official bulletin ( but citizens, civil society and the media must pay to obtain it.

No evidence of a proper information service for citizens, civil society and the media was found other than the website of the Ministry of Defence ( that in addition to a contact form has an extensive section of legal and information documents, and the Ministry's Facebook page (

Question for the Country Assessor: did any of the interviewees give some information on this?

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The ARAP provided annual reports with clear indication of procurement activities and plans in the different sectors including in the defence sector. No other evidence was found besides that provided by the Country Assessor.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are sources of defence income other than from central government allocation (from equipment sales or property disposal, for example) published and scrutinised?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Information on sources of defence income other than from the central government allocation was not available.

All government revenues and expenditures are tracked by a computerised Integrated System of Budget and Financial Management (SIGOF). Donor’s grants and external loans provided for the funding of government activities, including defence, are budgeted and disbursed considering the predictability of funds, the allocation and effective use of those funds, and the promotion of national systems and procedures. Under a memorandum of understanding, the Government is receiving budget support from a group of donors that come together under the denomination of the Budget Support Group (BSG) (Austria, Spain, BAD, World Bank, Netherlands, and European Commission).


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde 2007. Final Report. Retrieved online:

Afrobarometer Round 5: The Quality of Democracy and Governance in Cape Verde, 2011 (ICPSR 35547).


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: In accordance with article 8 - section 3 of Dec-Law 51/2009 of 30 November ( and also after a careful research through the link, nothing was found that overrules the assessment done.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there an effective internal audit process for defence ministry expenditure (that is, for example, transparent, conducted by appropriately skilled individuals, and subject to parliamentary oversight)?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The Government, meeting in the Council of Ministers, have the power to approve and present to the National Assembly the general account of the state and of other public entities. However, the National Assembly does not have the power to amend the defence budget. Within the police, there is an internal inspection service that provides general oversight. The government established the computerised Integrated System of Budget and Financial Management (SIGOF), as well as the Framework Law for the State Budget), to track all government revenues and expenditures with a built-in Internal Audit mechanism in the year 2002 that integrates tax revenue, the federal government budget, the Controller’s Office, and the Treasury.

The research could not find evidence of an internal audit process specific to defence ministry expenditure other than the general oversight provided by Parliament on the national budget (African Research Bulletin 2014); the score is, accordingly, low.


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

World Bank. ‘Country Procurement Assessment Report.’ 40412 v1. Retrieved online:

Africa Research Bulletin 2014. Cape Verde Budget 2014. Volume 50, Issue 9. November.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there effective and transparent external auditing of military defence expenditure?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is evidence of legal and institutional arrangements for external scrutiny of public finances and follow up by the Executive. The defence budget is implemented in an orderly, transparent, and predictable manner and there are measures in place for the exercise of control and stewardship in the use of public funds.

In terms of accounting, recording and financial reporting, adequate records and information are produced, maintained and disseminated to meet decision-making, control, management and reporting purposes. In terms of Annual (defence) budget documentation, a complete set of documents can be obtained by the public when it is submitted to the legislature. In terms of external audit reports, all reports on central government consolidated operations are made available to the public through appropriate means within six months of completed audit.


Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

World Bank. ‘Country Procurement Assessment Report.’ 40412 v1. Retrieved online:

International Monetary Fund 2012. Cape Verde : Second Review Under the Policy Support Instrument and Request for Waivers of Nonobservance of Assessment Criteria: Staff Report; Staff Supplements; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Cape Verde. February 03.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there evidence that the country's defence institutions have controlling or financial interests in businesses associated with the country's natural resource exploitation and, if so, are these interests publicly stated and subject to scrutiny?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence that the country’s defence institutions have controlling or financial interests in the country’s natural resource exploitation.


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:
US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: No further information about the possible control of Cape Verde's natural resource exploitation by its defence institutions has been found.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there evidence, for example through media investigations or prosecution reports, of a penetration of organised crime into the defence and security sector? If no, is there evidence that the government is alert and prepared for this risk?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: In terms of organised crime, security concerns in Cape Verde include drugs and arms trafficking, smuggling and other forms of organised crime, including money laundering, human trafficking and illegal immigration. Drug trafficking ranked first in the perception of the interviewed police officers among the very frequent types of crime in Cape Verde. In the past 10 years, the islands have increasingly been used as a transit point for drugs coming form Latin America, destined for Europe and West Africa, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

The number of youth drug users in Cape Verde, especially in urban centres, are high. The government and security sector has not been able to deal efficiently with this issue due to lack of efficient and robust cooperation between states and intelligence services, as well as lack of resources. However, there is doubled effort by the authorities to combat this scourge which may have already penetrated the security sector. Also, the government appears to recognise the need to collaborate with non-state actors such as civil society and the private sector in the provision of security. Also, the country has cooperated with U.S. law enforcement officials to fight drug trafficking.

There is no evidence to suggest that organised crime has penetrated Cape Verde's defence and security sector. There is strong evidence that the government is alert and prepared for the risk. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), the efforts from the government of Cabo Verde and its criminal justice system institutions have produced concrete results over the last years, with over two tons of cocaine seizures made from 2011 to 2014. The authorities have also convicted some dozens of people for drug trafficking, money-laundering and criminal association.&quoute; Furthermore, to enhance Cape Verde's action plan to counter organized crime, UNODC Regional Representative for West and Central Africa, Mr. Pierre Lapaque, lead an official mission to Praia, from 4 to 8 February 2015. The aim was to strengthen UNODC's technical cooperation with the government, and consult with national and international partners on the most effective way to address national priorities.


IRIN 2008. ‘Cape Verde - Money Laundering Taints Economic Growth.’ November 3. Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2007. Study on Crime and Corruption in Cape Verde. Retrieved online:

UNODC 2015. UNODC to increase technical cooperation with Cabo Verde to counter organized crime.

UNODC 2013. Transnational Organized Crime in West Africa: A Threat Assessment. February.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there policing to investigate corruption and organised crime within the defence services and is there evidence of the effectiveness of this policing?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: In Cape Verde, the National Police, under the control of the Ministry of Internal Administration, is responsible for law enforcement. The Judicial Police, under the control of the Ministry of Justice, is responsible for major investigations. The Judicial Police is part of the Ministry of Justice and is responsible for preventing, detecting and investigating crime, with a special focus on serious organised crime and forensic expertise. INTERPOL Praia is part of the Judicial Police Force.

The National Police forms part of the Ministry of Interior and is responsible for law and order and national security. Cape Verde police authorities take organised crime very seriously and put maximum energy into crime prevention and investigation. However, logistical constrains, including a lack of vehicles, limited communications equipment, and poor forensic capacity, continue to limit police effectiveness, especially in the area of organised crime. Cape Verde’s judiciary police have complained that while they may know who the traffickers and money launderers are, they do not have enough resources to catch them all.

Moreover, the geographic conditions of the islands and the very location of the country make it difficult for the police to control its borders. However, there is strong evidence that the government is providing professional training and resources to increase police effectiveness in this regard. The Ministry of Justice created a money laundering investigation unit in January of 2008, and on 31 October passed legislation to make it easier to prosecute such cases. While legislation in Cape Verde criminalised money laundering in 2002, further amendments requires that those working in financial transactions, including lawyers, bill collectors, auditors and accountants, report any suspicion of money laundering to the police. Though not too alarming, the few reported cases of corruption on the part of some public officials if not checked, could undermine government efforts to disrupt organised crime in the country.

There is no evidence pointing to the existence of a specific policing to investigate corruption and organised crime within the defence services. There are some mechanisms to address corrupt activity within the defence services described in Q35 however. Most of the evidence deals with how the Cape Verde defence services are fighting the problem of organised crime.


IRIN 2008. ‘Cape Verde - Money Laundering Taints Economic Growth.’ November 3. Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2007. Study on Crime and Corruption in Cape Verde. Retrieved online:

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. ‘Cape Verde’. Retrieved online:, 2010

GIABA. ‘Republic of Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:, 2012

INTERPOL. ‘Cape Verde’. Retrieved online:, 2013


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are the policies, administration, and budgets of the intelligence services subject to effective, properly resourced, and independent oversight?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Article 183 of the Constitution of Cape Verde stipulates the organisation and functional powers of the National Assembly, which extends to provision for legislative oversight of defence policy and the intelligence services. The National Assembly has the exclusive power to enact laws and guidelines in matters of organisation, functioning and discipline of the Armed forces and Police. The Government, meeting in the Council of Ministers, has the power to approve and present to the National Assembly the general account of the state and of other public entities, including intelligence services. Relevant legal framework also includes the Dec-Law 55/2009 of 7 December and the Resolution 36/2009 of 14 December and Law Nr 70-VI/2005.

Additional national oversight bodies include the National Security Council, led by the prime minister, the Higher Council on National Defence, which is chaired but the president. The latter is an advisory body concerned with defence issues and intelligence services. Finally, the Council of the Republic is an advisory body that addresses major issues, including security and intelligence. It brings together the National Assembly president, the prime minister, the president of the Constitutional Court and the attorney-general, among others.

The policies, administration and budgets of the intelligence services are subject to oversight by the Council of the Republic. However, the degree of effectiveness of this oversight could not be ascertained. Nevertheless, corruption is not considered a significant problem within the intelligence services due mainly to the few cases of corruption and related practices (see US Department of State 2013).


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Bienvenu, E. & Sjoberg, A. 2010. ‘Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online,d.ZGU

African Development Bank. 2012. ‘Cape Verde: The Road Ahead.’ Regional — West 2 Department (ORWB). November. Retrieved online:

Dec-Law 55/2009 of 7 December
Resolution 36/2009 of 14 December
Law Nr 70-VI/2005


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Important to add the Dec-Law 55/2009 of 7 December and the Resolution 36/2009 of 14 December as well as the main Law Nr 70-VI/2005 who constitute the legal framework of the SIS in Cape Verde.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are senior positions within the intelligence services filled on the basis of objective selection criteria, and are appointees subject to investigation of their suitability and prior conduct?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Public evidence suggests that the government of Cape Verde adheres to an objective criteria for the selection and filling of senior positions within the intelligence services, although the US Department of State has raised the issue of nepotism in Cape Verde. There is also evidence that full investigation of the candidate’s suitability for the position is undertaken.


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy,

Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online, 2012

Bienvenu, E. & Sjoberg, A. 2010. ‘Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online,d.ZGU

African Development Bank. 2012. ‘Cape Verde: The Road Ahead.’ Regional — West 2 Department (ORWB). November. Retrieved online:


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Does the government have a well-scrutinised process for arms export decisions that aligns with international protocols, particularly the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) has been signed on 25 September 2013, but not yet ratified by Cape Verde. The United Nations Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition has been signed and ratified by Cape Verde. On 21 July 2001, Cape Verde committed to a consensus decisions of the United Nations to adopt, support and implement the UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.

According to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, Cape Verde has not declared its Small arms exports in one or more annual National Reports on Arms Exports. In June 2006, as a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Cape Verde adopted the ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons, their Ammunition and other Related Materials. This stipulates strict controls on the transfer, manufacture, possession and security of small arms and light weapons. The right to bear arms is not granted in Cape Verde and there is very little evidence to support export of arms from Cape Verde.


UNODA. 2013. ‘Towards Entry into Force.’ Arms Trade Treaty. New York, NY: United Nations Office for Departmental Affairs, 2 April. (Q7226).
UNGA. 2001. United Nations Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition.’ UN General Assembly Resolution 55/255. New York: UN General Assembly, 31 May.
UNGA. 2001. ‘Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.’ United Nations General Assembly. New York: UN General Assembly. 20 July.
UNODA. 2011. ‘National Reports on Small Arms Exports.’ United Nations Register of Conventional Arms - The Global Reported Arms Trade. New York: United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. 21 October.
ECOWAS/UNODA. 2006. ‘Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons, their Ammunition and other Related Materials.’ United Nations Programme of Action Implementation Support System: Regional Organisations. New York: ECOWAS Secretariat/United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. 14 June. ‘Cape Verde - Gun Facts, Figures and the Law.’ Retrieved online:, 2014


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Cape Verde was encouraged to ratify the ATT treaty by a West-African delegation in November 2014 (

In practice, there is very little export of arms from Cape Verde (NISAT's Trade Database mentions the re-export of 9 hunting rifles to Portugal in 2007 for a total value of less than 3000 $ Gunpolicy, basing itself on datas from NISAT states that in 2011, 4528 $ worth of small arms were imported to Cape Verde It is to be noted however that according to Sherman, Amy and Tom Ginsburg.2014.‘Gun Rights in National Constitutions.’ Marco Rubio Says Second Amendment Is Unique in Speech to NRA.Miami, FL:Miami Herald (PolitiFact Florida),29 April, the right to bear arms is not granted in Cape Verde.

No evidence that the country took action to comply with ATT articles: 7.1.iv, 11.5, and 15.6, and that corruption is recognised as an issue in the case of arms exports, imports and re-exports was found.

No other evidence of oversight of arms exports, which can be partly explained by the very limited amount of arms exported and imported.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: As said, the country has not ratified the ATT and does not have the necessary industry to export weapons. Majority of weapons are imported from Russia and China.
There is no evidence after a thorough research of corruption being an issue in this particular subject or through the existence of oversight of arms export.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+

Risk management 60

How effective are controls over the disposal of assets, and is information on these disposals, and the proceeds of their sale, transparent?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Public evidence suggests that there are procedures and controls in place for the disposal of assets in Cape Verde. The government is open about making public information concerning asset disposal. The law provides for freedom of access to governmental information, including asset disposal, without restriction, provided that privacy rights are respected. The effectiveness of controls over the disposal of assets could not be verified.


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

World Bank Group 2012. Cape Verde - Enhancing Planning to Increase Efficiency of Public Spending : Background chapters.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is independent and transparent scrutiny of asset disposals conducted by defence establishments, and are the reports of such scrutiny publicly available?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence of independent and transparent scrutiny of asset disposals conducted specifically by defence establishments. However, there is evidence in public documents and the media to suggest that independent, effective and transparent scrutiny of asset disposals takes place in Cape Verde. The government also grants public access to the reports of such scrutiny by internal and external audit bodies, although there are concerns over delays in the release of relevant information and recent reports of such scrutiny could not be accessed by the researcher. The government programme under the heading ‘Sound Fiscal Management’ emphasises governance focused on modernisation, transparency, efficiency and efficacy, and stringent fiscal management policy.


Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.
US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
International Monetary Fund (IMF). 2008. ’Cape Verde — Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy Paper II.’ Staff Country Report.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


What percentage of defence and security expenditure in the budget year is dedicated to spending on secret items relating to national security and the intelligence services?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The level of spending on intelligence and national security could not be accurately ascertained during research, though no evidence was found of any items of spending that are classified as secret. Citizens in Cape Verde have, in accordance with the law, the right to gain access to administrative files and records including state defence and security expenditure. The Government, meeting in the Council of Ministers, have the power to approve and present to the National Assembly the general account of the state and of other public entities. However, the National Assembly does not have the power to amend the defence budget.

Any spending is assessed unlikely to be significant however. According to the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), security and defence forces in Cape Verde represent roughly 0.3 percent of the population and 0.5 percent of expenditure under the national budget. The US Department of State notes that Cape Verde has a small military of eleven hundred active duty personnel. Of these, 91 percent are in the army and 9 percent are in the air force. The armed forces personnel of Cape Verde is 0.52 (% of total labour force) with a global rank of 115. Cape Verde spends roughly 1 percent of its GNP on its military. The 2011 survey by Budget Office of the Federation (BOF) on military expenditure suggest that Cape Verde is among the lowest spenders on the military, with $8.8 million recorded expenditure. This is lower than the $9.3 million recorded in 2001, or 1.6 percent GDP. Cape Verde had an average Military expenditure as % of GDP of 0.58 in the last 11 years from 2002 to 2013. The Country’s military expenditure as % of central government expenditure had a negative growth (decline) of 0.00 (%) in the last 5 years from (2006 to 2011).


Business Day. 2014. Huge recurrent budgeting strangles military spending on hardwares.’ Retrieved online:

The World Bank. 2014. ‘Military Expenditure (%) GDP.’ Retrieved online:

Macro Economic Meter. ‘Military — Cape Verde’. Retrieved online:

Adelino Handem. 2008. ’Cape Verde’ Chapter 4. In Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and ‘Funmi Olonisakin (Eds.) Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa. Geneva Centre for the

Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).

US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is the legislature (or the appropriate legislative committee or members of the legislature) given full information for the budget year on the spending of all secret items relating to national security and military intelligence?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence that the legislature is given full information for the budget year on the spending of all secret items relating to national security and military intelligence; secret items are generally aggregated. However, the approved budget is publicly accessible and controlled by the State Audit Office. The budget and the fiscal risk oversight are comprehensive, and fiscal and budget information is accessible to the public. For example, Bank of Cape Verde releases on the website and in the statistical bulletins information on public finances, namely: the Government Financing and the Income and Expenditure of the Central Government. An economic, administrative and functional classification system is applied in both he formulation and execution of the budget. The functional classification disaggregated by functions and sub functions is well suited for the tracking of the functional structure of expenditure, being disaggregated until the last level. The Budget Framework Law specifies that after the approval of the State Budget, the Government should take the necessary measure to ensure that it is executed through the approval and publication of the corresponding decree-law, specifying the norms and procedures for the execution of the State Budget. Public access to key fiscal information is provided through various channels. The Government publishes all the documents approved by the Parliament, including detailed tables, in the Official Bulletin. An official website is made available to the public by the Ministry of Finance.


Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

SIPRI Military Expenditure Database. Retrieved online: Retrieved 9 August 2014. ‘Cape Verdean Military Budget.’ Retrieved online:, 2012


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are audit reports of the annual accounts of the security sector (the military, police, and intelligence services) and other secret programs provided to the legislature (or relevant committee) and are they subsequently subject to parliamentary debate?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is some evidence that audit reports of the annual accounts of the security sector are duly provided to the legislature. Information on the extent to which the audit reports are debated by parliament cannot be verified. All reports on central government consolidated operations are made available to the public through appropriate means within six months of completed audit. Article 183 of the Constitution of Cape Verde stipulates the organisation and functional powers of the National Assembly, which extends to provision for effective and independent legislative oversight of defence policy and budgetary matters. The Government, meeting in the Council of Ministers, have the power to approve and present to the National Assembly the general account of the state and of other public entities, including defence and security. While efforts have been made to improve parliamentary control of the security sector and defence policy in particular, oversight of the latter remains weak. For example, the National Assembly does not have the power to amend the defence budget. The government established the computerised Integrated System of Budget and Financial Management (SIGOF), as well as the Framework Law for the State Budget), to track all government revenues and expenditures with a built-in Internal Audit mechanism in the year 2002 that integrates tax revenue, the federal government budget, the Controller’s Office, and the Treasury.


Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Carlos Nunes Fernades dos Reis 2008. ‘Republic of Cape Verde’ in Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges, ed. Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 105-106.

Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

World Bank. ‘Country Procurement Assessment Report.’ 40412 v1. Retrieved online:, 2010


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Off-budget military expenditures are those that are not formally authorised within a country's official defence budget, often considered to operate through the 'back-door'. In law, are off-budget military expenditures permitted, and if so, are they exceptional occurrences that are well-controlled?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) notes that security and defence in Cape Verde accounts for 0.5 percent of the expenditure in the national budget. With regards to off-budget military expenditures, no extra-budgetary expenditure has been verified. With regards to current expenditure, off-budget expenditure is reported and included in the reports. For example, the State General Account provides tables that clearly reflect the expenditure in excess of the approved allocations. This expenditure is reported by administrative and economic classification, identifying what are the institutions that originated the extra-budgetary expenditure and under which headings of the economic classification it has occurred. The Constitution of the Republic establishes in Part III that ‘the State Budget is unique and specifies all of the revenues and expenditures of the public administration sector, categorised according to organic and functional classifications. It also includes the social security budget.’ The Constitution further specifies that ‘the State Budget may be structured by annual or multi-annual programmes, requiring in the latter case that the charges to which they refer should be recorded in the Annual Budget.’ Donor’s grants and external loans provided for the funding of government activities, including defence, are budgeted and disbursed considering the predictability of funds, the allocation and effective use of those funds, and the promotion of national systems and procedures.


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

Adelino Handem. 2008. ’Cape Verde’ Chapter 4. In Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and ‘Funmi Olonisakin (Eds.) Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa. Geneva Centre for the

Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF). 2008.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


In practice, are there any off-budget military expenditures? If so, does evidence suggest this involves illicit economic activity?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The State General Account provides tables that clearly reflect the expenditure in excess of the approved allocations. This expenditure is reported by administrative and economic classification, identifying what are the institutions that originated the extra-budgetary expenditure and under which headings of the economic classification it has occurred. Off-budget military spending is however not disclosed. Military expenditure (% of GDP) in Cape Verde was last measured at 0.52 in 2011, according to the World Bank.


Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

Trading Economics. 2011. ‘Military Expenditure (% of GDP) in Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:, 2011


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Similar figures concerning the amount of military expenditure in percentage of the GDP was found.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


In law, are there provisions regulating mechanisms for classifying information on the grounds of protecting national security, and, if so, are they subject to effective scrutiny?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The classification of information on the ground of safeguarding national security is subject to minimal scrutiny by parliament and other national oversight bodies.

The Ministries of Defence, Interior and Justice are the central ministries charged with security sector oversight in Cape Verde. The president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and both the government led by the prime minister and the National Assembly are mandated with security governance.


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Bienvenu, E. & Sjoberg, A. 2010. ‘Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online,d.ZGU

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: No precise and reliable information on the provisions made for who can request information to be classified on the grounds of protecting national security, as well as on the provisions for the oversight of such regulations was found on the Internet as well as in public reports and the press.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Subsection (e) of Section (2) of Article 3 of Decree-Law 1/2009 of 5 of January.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Do national defence and security institutions have beneficial ownership of commercial businesses? If so, how transparent are details of the operations and finances of such businesses?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Public evidence suggest that the national defence and security institutions in Cape Verde do not appear to have any significant beneficial ownership of commercial businesses. The law sets parameters for public officials, including defence officers, to submit declarations of interest, income, and family wealth, and it regulates public discussion of this information. Evidence suggests these laws are generally upheld (US Department of State 2014).


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are military-owned businesses subject to transparent independent scrutiny at a recognised international standard?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Evidence indicates that there are unlikely to be military-owned business of any significant scale. Research also suggests relevant financial activity is likely to be subject to transparent independent scrutiny by the Ministries of Defence, Interior and Justice in Cape Verde, although the extent to which this conforms to international standards cannot be ascertained. Details of scrutiny and auditing and made available to the public, though there may be concerns with delay in the process.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in: Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan

Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. 2008. Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there evidence of unauthorised private enterprise by military or other defence ministry employees? If so, what is the government's reaction to such enterprise?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence of unauthorised private enterprise by military or other defence ministry employees in Cape Verde. Reports of government corruption is almost non-existent. The law provides penalties of up to 15 years’ imprisonment for corruption by government officials. In 2009 the government created the Financial Information Unit to fight money laundering and corruption deriving from unauthorised private enterprise.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.
Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Note to Country Assessor : Could you retrieve information from your interviewees about the impact of the Financial Information Unit?

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+

Policies & codes 90

Do the Defence Ministry, Defence Minister, Chiefs of Defence, and Single Service Chiefs publicly commit - through, for example, speeches, media interviews, or political mandates - to anti-corruption and integrity measures?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Cape Verde is largely regarded as a ‘success story’ in Africa because of its transparency and good governance, and the public commitment of its defence services to the fight against corruption and to upholding integrity measures. This is reflected throughout its defence public statements and policies.

The government is committed to improving the conditions foreign investment and to encouraging a more transparent and competitive economic environment. In 2013 Cape Verde ranked 41st on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, it was second second among African nations trailing only Botswana. Cape Verde rose two slots, from 41st to 39th place, in comparison to 2011 on Transparency International’s 2012 Corruption Perception Index. The country received a rating of 60 on a 0 to 100 scale, in which 100 represents a corruption-free country and 0 an utterly corrupt state. In addition, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) control of corruption score cards ranked on 96 percent with a score of 1.38.

The government established the High Authority Against Corruption to effectively combat corruption in the country, and parliament has added three additional prosecutors to enforce the law. In an empirical study of crime and corruption (in Cape Verde) conducted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, it was found that there was high consensus (88 percent) among the different groups of respondents (including citizens, businesses and police officers) that the police in Cape Verde do a reasonably good job in preventing and controlling crime, both inside and outside its establishment.

However, no public evidence was found which (media, csos reports and interviews) showing that the defence service publicly commits to anti-corruption and integrity measures.


Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan
Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Carlos Nunes Fernades dos Reis 2008. ‘Republic of Cape Verde’ in Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges, ed. Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 105-106.

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Peter Pham 2008. ‘Cape Verde: A Rare African Success.’ World Defence Review. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are there effective measures in place for personnel found to have taken part in forms of bribery and corruption, and is there public evidence that these measures are being carried out?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is enough evidence to suggest that adequate measures are in place to deal effectively with personnel found to have taken part in forms of bribery and corruption. Public evidence suggests that these measures are effectively enforced. Hence, the low level of corruption in the country. Corruption is a crime punishable by law in Cape Verde. Giving or accepting a bribe is a criminal act and conviction could result in up to eight years in prison. The defence services takes matters of corruption and related practices seriously and conduct their affairs in a professional and transparent manner.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online
Asemana. 2012. ‘Cape Verde rated second least-corrupt country in Africa by Transparency International.’ December 5. Retrieved online:


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is whistleblowing encouraged by the government, and are whistle-blowers in military and defence ministries afforded adequate protection from reprisal for reporting evidence of corruption, in both law and practice?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The general Protection of Witness law establishes regulatory measures for protecting witnesses who denounce cases of corruption and others involved in the litigation process. This extends to military and official personnel. However, the law’s effectiveness in practice has been questioned by civil society organisations and the Cape Verdean Lawyers Association.


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online
US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.
Protection of Witness Law 1999. Cape Verde.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: There is a whistle-blowing programme in the ARAP website.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is special attention paid to the selection, time in post, and oversight of personnel in sensitive positions, including officials and personnel in defence procurement, contracting, financial management, and commercial management?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Public evidence suggests that special attention is paid to the selection and oversight of personnel in sensitive positions, including officials and personnel in defence procurement, contracting, financial management and commercial management. However, this is likely to be lip service (US Department of State 2014). The positions and selection mechanisms might be available publicly, but they could not be found on the Internet. The same goes for rules of conduct, oversight mechanisms and appointment procedures.

This goes up to the highest level where the Prime Minister is the head of the government and as such proposes other ministers and secretaries of state. The Prime minister is nominated by the National Asse mbly and appointed by the President. The President is the head of state and is elected by popular vote for a five-year term. Recent elections were held in 2011. There have been cases of nepotism in the recruitment of personnel in sensitive positions, as noted by the US Department of State. The government ratified the UN Convention against Corruption in 2008 and implemented the National Anti-Corruption Plan in 2012.


Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.
Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online
US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The positions and selection mechanisms might be available publicly, but they could not be found on the Internet. The same goes for rules of conduct, oversight mechanisms and appointment procedures.

This could be explained by the little volume the armed forces represent in terms of human forces in Cape Verde. The positions are very limited numerically, and due to the rather poor equipment rate of the country information must rather be found physically than on the Internet.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The procedures are all included in the code of conduct approved within the framework of section (k) of article 10 of the Dec-Law 15/2008 of 8 March that approves the Statutes of ARAP.
See Activity report of ARAP 2012, page 14.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is the number of civilian and military personnel accurately known and publicly available?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The number of civilian and military personnel in Cape Verde is uncertain (see a range of sources consulted in the reference list). Cape Verde has a small military of eleven hundred active duty personnel. Armed forces personnel number 1000, according to calculations by the NationMaster. Of these, 91 percent are in the army and 9 percent are in the air force. The armed forces personnel of Cape Verde is 0.52 (% of total labour force) with a global rank of 115.


Business Day. 2014. Huge recurrent budgeting strangles military spending on hardwares.’ Retrieved online:
NationMaster. Cape Verde Military Stats. 2014. Retrieved online:;
ISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies). 2001. The Military Balance 2001-2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, 1997.
World Development Indicators database; Uppsala Conflict Data Program,


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Disagree

Comment: I do not agree. I believe that the forces are well established and publicly available through several means as shown below.
Active personnel are 1200.

Suggested score: 3

Peer Reviewer-+


Are pay rates and allowances for civilian and military personnel openly published?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The researcher could not access official publication on the pay rates and allowances for civilian and military personnel. The law sets parameters for public officials to submit declarations of interest, income and family wealth, and it regulates public discussion of this information. Employment income is specifically defined in the applicable tax law and covers all payments in connection with work (contract) carried out in Cape Verde, such as salary, bonuses, commissions, pensions, allowances (e.g., cost-of-living and housing allowances), and benefits in kind (e.g. company cars) regardless of where the payment originates.

When involved in criminal cases of alleged corruption, public officials must declare or prove the source of their income or wealth. The law provides for freedom of access to governmental information without restriction, including pay rates for civilian and military personnel, provided that privacy rights are respected. Access is frequently granted by the government of Cape Verde. Public access to key fiscal information is provided through various channels. The Government publishes all the documents approved by the Parliament, including detailed tables, in the Official Bulletin. An official website is made available to the public by the Ministry of Finance.


PWC. ‘Cape Verde — Individual Income Determination.’ Retrieved online:, Last reviewed 2014
Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.
African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Ministerio das financas e do Planeamento. 2014.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Do personnel receive the correct pay on time, and is the system of payment well-established, routine, and published?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence that the system of payment in Cape Verde is well-established. The payment of the military is seen as low and there have been cases of delay in payment.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Peter Pham 2008. ‘Cape Verde: A Rare African Success.’ World Defence Review. Retrieved online

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

Cape Verde Ministry of Finance and Planning, General Directorate of Planning. Growth and Poverty Strategy Paper (DECRP). Status Report on Preparation, June 15 2004. Retrieved online:


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Can you detail the cases of delay in payment?

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there an established, independent, transparent, and objective appointment system for the selection of military personnel at middle and top management level?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Public evidence suggests that the procedures for the selection of military personnel at middle and top management level is established, although there is evidence of the penetration of nepotism in the selection process (US Department of State 2014). The use of objective job descriptions and assessment processes for appointment, including the use of independent oversight bodies, appears to be weak in Cape Verde.

There is evidence of corruption and nepotism in the recruitment of corruption and nepotism in the process of recruiting officers at middle and top management level and civil servants. One academic report points to systematic recruitment of ‘senior staff.’ This system is allegedly based on the ‘jobs for the boys’ principle, whereby activists and officials of the ruling party are hired to fill important positions in the state or government on the basis of their partisan affiliations, rather than their technical skills. In general, the report cites disregard for merit in recruitment and selection processes in Cape Verde.


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Peter Pham 2008. ‘Cape Verde: A Rare African Success.’ World Defence Review. Retrieved online

Claudio Alves Furtado 2011. Social movements in Cabo Verde: processes, trends and vicissitudes. Chapter 12.

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are personnel promoted through an objective, meritocratic process? Such a process would include promotion boards outside of the command chain, strong formal appraisal processes, and independent oversight.

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is little evidence that personnel are promoted through an objective, meritocratic process. Based on relevant public documents and reports, there is evidence that corruption and nepotism has penetrated the process of personnel promotion in Cape Verde (Furtado 2011). Positions are granted on the basis of influence peddling; there is disregard for merit in recruitment and selection processes, and a lack of openness and coordination of employment centres.


PWC. ‘Cape Verde — Individual Income Determination.’ Retrieved online:, 2014
Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.
Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.
Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Disagree

Comment: I would raise the level of transparency to criteria 2 using the same arguments used by the country assessor.

Suggested score: 2

Peer Reviewer-+


Where compulsory conscription occurs, is there a policy of not accepting bribes for avoiding conscription? Are there appropriate procedures in place to deal with such bribery, and are they applied?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Compulsory conscription occurs in Cape Verde. Article 271 (Military Service) states that ‘The defence of the country shall be a right and a duty of all Capeverdeans. Military service shall be compulsory in accordance with the law. The Conscientious objectors and those that are incapacitated to do military service shall carry out civic service, in accordance with the law.’

Article 273 (Guarantee of the citizens who do their military service) states that ‘Nobody shall be harmed in his employment, placement, promotion or social benefits due to his doing military service or carrying out compulsory civic service.’

The age and obligation for compulsory military service in Cape Verde is between 18-35 years of age for male and female. The conscript service obligation is for 2 years; 17 years of age for voluntary service (with parental consent). There is no evidence that bribery and corruption occurs within the conscription process, nor does public evidence suggest any significant concern. The Constitution takes a strong stance against corruption and related offences. The law provides penalties of up to 15 years’ imprisonment for corruption.


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992 (Article 271, 273). Retrieved online
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). ‘The World Fact-book.’ Retrieved online:, 2013
Index Mundi. ‘Cape Verde Military Service Age and Obligation.’ Retrieved online:, 2013


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


With regard to compulsory or voluntary conscription, is there a policy of refusing bribes to gain preferred postings in the recruitment process? Are there appropriate procedures in place to deal with such bribery, and are they applied?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The conscript service obligation in Cape Verde is for 2 years; 17 years of age for voluntary service (with parental consent). There is no evidence that bribery and corruption occurs within the conscription process, nor does public evidence suggest any significant concern. There is also no evidence that there is a policy of refusing bribes to gain preferred postings in the recruitment process. The Constitution and law enforcement agencies take a strong stance against this kind of corruption and malpractice.


Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Carlos Nunes Fernades dos Reis 2008. ‘Republic of Cape Verde’ in Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges, ed. Adedeji Ebo and Boubacar N’Diaye. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 105-106.

Claudio Alves Furtado 2011. Social movements in Cabo Verde: processes, trends and vicissitudes. Chapter 12.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there evidence of 'ghost soldiers', or non-existent soldiers on the payroll?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: No evidence was found that this phenomenon occurs in Cape Verde, however research also found insufficient evidence of enforced accountability in payment systems to award a higher score.


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Peter Pham 2008. ‘Cape Verde: A Rare African Success.’ World Defence Review. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

PWC. ‘Cape Verde — Individual Income Determination.’ Retrieved online:, 2014


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: No further evidence of 'ghost soldiers’ or non-existent soldiers on the payroll could be found.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Disagree

Comment: I believe that this problem is minimal but there may be some laxity of enforced accountability.

Suggested score: 3

Peer Reviewer-+


Are chains of command separate from chains of payment?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Evidence gleaned from audit reports, specifically the Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA), as well as research projects and public opinion, suggest that chains of command are separated from chains of payment throughout the ministry and armed forces.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

PWC. ‘Cape Verde — Individual Income Determination.’ Retrieved online:, 2014

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Disagree

Comment: I would change the criteria to a more favorable outcome as there is no evidence of exceptions in certain areas. Although the separation is not widely publicized, it has no negative outcomes in the process of separation.

Suggested score: 3

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there a Code of Conduct for all military and civilian personnel that includes, but is not limited to, guidance with respect to bribery, gifts and hospitality, conflicts of interest, and post-separation activities?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence of an effective Code of Conduct specific to all military and civilian personnel in Cape Verde. If there is one, it is not publicly available. The country does appear to have enacted a somewhat effective anti-corruption policy for the public sector that is likely to include the defence sector however. Some conduct standards are specified in legislation and the government has indicated it is working on a Code of Ethics for civil servants. Bribery in general is considered a criminal act and conviction could result in up to eight years in prison. The law also provides penalties of up to 15 years’ imprisonment for corruption by government officials, including those in defence. To combat corruption effectively, the government established the High Authority Against Corruption. Reporting indicates that implementation is likely to occur and that the government has taken steps to address cases of public sector corruption. This is also supported by Cape Verde's ranking as the second highest scoring country in Africa on the Corruption Perceptions Index.


Freedom House, &quoute;Country report: Cape Verde&quoute;, 2015,

Transparency International, &quoute;Corruption Perceptions Index 2014&quoute;,

African Development Bank 2012. Cape Verde: A Success Story. Regional — West 2 Department (ORWB) November. Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

PWC. ‘Cape Verde — Individual Income Determination.’ Retrieved online:, 2014


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The fact that the Military Forces in Cape Verde are around 1000 staff, the ease of the control and oversight of corrupted activities do not make an absolute need such code.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there evidence that breaches of the Code of Conduct are effectively addressed ,and are the results of prosecutions made publicly available?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no public evidence of any Code of Conduct for military and civilian defence personnel in Cape Verde. However, there is evidence that a general code of conduct for public servants is effectively enforced and there is some evidence that breaches of the conduct are dealt with in the appropriate manner. The results of such prosecutions are also adequately communicated to the public and the press. The government takes adequate steps to prosecute and punish officials who committed abuses, but the process was lengthy. The National Police took disciplinary action against officials who acted outside the law, but nonexistence of a single authority to monitory or oversee cases or complaints made it difficult to obtain data on the number of cases. Moreover, government and other state institutions sometimes downplayed or disregarded police abuses (US Department of State). Score selected because as noted previously, conduct standards are specified in legislation.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
c. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

A Semana. 2012. Cape Verde rated second least-corrupt country in Africa by Transparency International.

PWC. ‘Cape Verde — Individual Income Determination.’ Retrieved online:, 2014

Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Does regular anti-corruption training take place for military and civilian personnel?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence of regular anti-corruption training for civilian and military personnel. The UNODC has a comprehensive programme on anti-corruption since 2007 which culminated in the publication of a comprehensive report on the subject: Available evidence suggests that the government provided professional training to increase police effectiveness. This includes anti-corruption and anti-drug-trafficking training, as well as courses on gender-based violence. Professional training are normally provided for each of the regional National Police centres.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.
Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The UNODC has a comprehensive programme on anti-corruption since 2007 which culminated in the publication of a comprehensive report on the subject:
Training has been a topic of technical assistance along all these years since UNODC has a permanent presence in the country.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there a policy to make public outcomes of the prosecution of defence services personnel for corrupt activities, and is there evidence of effective prosecutions in recent years?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: It is not clear if there is a policy to make public outcomes of the prosecution of defence services personnel for corrupt activities. The power to prosecute a criminal offence, including money laundering and corruption, is vested in the Public Prosecutor Office however.

Besides having overall prosecution responsibility for criminal offences, the office is also responsible for overseeing any criminal investigations conducted by the police. The attorney general is the head Public Prosecutor Office and the officers are magistrates appointed by the judicial council. Public evidence shows evidence of fairly effective prosecutions in Cape Verde in recent years. The government also makes every effort to publicise the outcomes of the prosecution of defence services personnel for corruption activities.

The results of such prosecutions are also adequately communicated to the public and the press. The government takes adequate steps to prosecute and punish officials who committed abuses, but the process was lengthy. In general, it appears that corruption is not a major issue within the defence services (see examples provided above, in these sources: US Department of State 2014; Mail & Guardian 2014; African Economic Outlook 2013)


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
International Monetary Fund (IMF). 2009. ‘Cape Verde: Detailed Assessment Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism.’ IMF Country Report No. 09/115.

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Mail and Guardian 2014. Botswana, Cape Verde ranked least corrupt in Africa but new report makes uncomfortable reading for continent.

African Economic Outlook 2013. Structural Transformation and Natural Resources.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are there effective measures in place to discourage facilitation payments (which are illegal in almost all countries)?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Cape Verde has effective measures in place to discourage facilitation payments which are considered extra-legal in the country. Official corruption, including bribery and facilitation payments, carries a criminal penalty of up to 15 years' imprisonment. The High Authority against Corruption is the number one corruption enforcement agency in the country. There is little evidence that this mechanism are effectively used and capable of discouraging facilitation payments.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Profile of Anti-Bribery Laws / Enforcement in SSA Countries. 2009. Retrieved online:


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+

Training 60

Do the armed forces have military doctrine addressing corruption as a strategic issue on operations?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The armed forces in Cape Verde are very little — approximately 1000 according to the Nation Master. Evidence suggests that the military in Cape Verde are likely to be aware of corruption as a strategic issue in governance. However, an explicit doctrine on this subject could not be verified.


Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.

NationMaster. Cape Verde Military Stats. 2014. Retrieved online:;


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Could you detail on the evidence you mention?

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is there training in corruption issues for commanders at all levels in order to ensure that these commanders are clear on the corruption issues they may face during deployment? If so, is there evidence that they apply this knowledge in the field?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: An explicit doctrine on this subject could not be verified. Media reports, however, suggest that there is no significant evidence of corruption issues being mishandled during deployment. In fact, there is no evidence that the media report on cases of corruption during deployment. Notably, in January 2013, the secretary of state for public administration admitted that there were “serious ethical problems and strong indication of corruption” in Cape Verde’s civil service. To combat this, he declared that the government was preparing an Ethics Code for the Civil Service.


Asemana. 2014. ‘Cape Verde to Ratify Defence Accord with Angola.’ May 28. Retrieved online:

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are trained professionals regularly deployed to monitor corruption risk in the field (whether deployed on operations or peacekeeping missions)?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Information on whether trained professionals are regularly deployed to monitor corruption risk in the field could not be verified. However, there are no reported cases of corruption that have surfaced.


Asemana. 2014. ‘Cape Verde to Ratify Defence Accord with Angola.’ May 28. Retrieved online:

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are there guidelines, and staff training, on addressing corruption risks in contracting whilst on deployed operations or peacekeeping missions?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence in Cape Verde of guidelines, and staff training on addressing corruption risks in contracting whilst on deployed operations or peacekeeping missions.


World Aircraft Information Files. Brightstar Publishing, London. File 337 Sheet 02.
Operacional. 2009. Cabo Verde: A Policia Militar. December 3.

Servico Nacional De Protecao Civil. Retrieved online:

American Development Cooperation. ‘Cape Verde Country Profile.’ Retrieved online:, 2012

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2007. Study on Crime and Corruption in Cape Verde. Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
The World Factbook, “Cape Verde,” The Central Intelligence Agency,, 2014
B. Selassie Tena-Gachauou, “Dossier Cap-Vert: 2. Iles d’émigration,” Solidarité Socialiste (1996).


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Private Military Contractors (PMCs) usually refer to companies that provide operational staff to military environments. They may also be known as security contractors or private security contractors, and refer to themselves as private military corporations, private military firms, private security providers, or military service providers.

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is evidence that Cape Verde does employ private military contractors in its operations. This is predictable given the small number of armed forces in the country - roughly 1,200 - and the high security threat - especially organised crime - confronting the country.

In a move to fight against escalating piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, the government of Cape Verde recently granted a licence to Cape Verde Maritime Security Services (CVMSS) allowing the company exclusive rights to vet Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSCs) who want to use the island as a base for embarking and disembarking armed security teams. There is an arrangement in place to ensure that CVMSS undertakes checks to ensure PMSC's comply with agreed minimum standards in accordance with both local and international laws and regulations. The specifications of these arrangements and the extent to which these standards are enforced could not be verified.


Maritime Security Review. 2012. ‘Cape Verde Licence PMSCs.’ December 7. Retrieved online:
US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
The World Factbook, “Cape Verde,” The Central Intelligence Agency,, 2014
Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Source &quoute;Maritime Security Review. 2012. ‘Cape Verde Licence PMSCs.’ December 7. Retrieved online:; states that &quoute;On behalf of the Cape Verde Government, Cape Verde Maritime Security Services will undertake checks to ensure Private Maritime Security Companies comply with agreed minimum standards in accordance with both local and international laws and regulations. These standards will include training, support and insurance levels&quoute;.
Private Maritime Security Companies are therefore regulated and subject to scrutiny, but no detail about the implementation and the efficiency of scrutiny is published.

Neither evidence that sanctions are in place to punish corrupt activities by PMCs nor evidence of significant or widespread corrupt activities conducted by PMCs was found.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Security contractors are grouped and associated with the ANESP (Associação Nacional de Empresas de Segurança Privada) who are regulated through the Law 50-VII of 2009.
Sanctions to PMCs as well as others who prevaricate are previewed in the general criminal law, depending on the facts that they are accused.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+

Personnel 50

Does the country have legislation covering defence and security procurement and are there any items exempt from these laws?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Besides the use of consultants' services, evidence suggest that Cape Verde merely has arrangements set forth in decrees that govern procurement in specific sectors. In this regard, the only structured text that exists has been drafted for infrastructure. In fact, only a Decree-Law (31/94) exists for public works procurement. With respect to the procurement of goods and services, Decree-Law 2/97 and the Decree-Laws on annual budget execution contain a number of pointers which cannot be considered true directives.

The lack of an overarching national document governing procurement notwithstanding, few flawed procurement practices have been identified. This is due in large measure to an environment conducive to a culture of transparency, good governance and the frequent use of procedures and standard documents of the World Bank, even in instances where this institution is not involved in financing. Due to the regulatory void, practices differ from one institution to another; a factor that renders procurement unpredictable. Notably, however, the CPAR (Country Procurement Assessment Review) which was undertaken in 2005 led to the development of an action plan for the period 2006 - 2008.

Subsequently, a new law on procurement was approved in September 2007 and a new regulatory body - ARAP (Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement) was established during 2008.
No other evidence was found regarding any specific legislation covering defence and security procurement made in Cape Verde.


World Bank. 2004. ’Cape Verde: Country Procurement Assessment Report.’ Executive Summary. 40412 v1. Retrieved online:

US AID. 2006. ‘Risk Assessment of Millennium Challenge Account Cape Verde’s Financial Operations.’ September 26. Report no. M-000-06-004-F. Retrieved online:
dg Market Tenders Worldwide. 2014. ‘General Procurement Notice.’ April 9. Retrieved online:


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is the defence procurement cycle process, from assessment of needs, through contract implementation and sign-off, all the way to asset disposal, disclosed to the public?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The law in Cape Verde make adequate provision for freedom of access to governmental information, including defence procurement and asset disposal, without restriction, provided that privacy rights are respected. The government frequently granted public access. Freedom House granted Cabo Verde two 1s in its annual Freedom in the World report, a perfect score. It is the only African country to receive the score.

On the specific issue of defence procurement cycle process, no public information could be found. There appears to be no public knowledge of the defence procurement cycle process in Cape Verde.


US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Adelino Handem 2008. ‘Cape Verde’ in Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa, d. Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and Funmi Olonisakin. Geneva: DCAF, pp. 61-83.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are defence procurement oversight mechanisms in place and are these oversight mechanisms active and transparent?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: In Cape Verde, the Court of Accounts (TC) is the supreme audit institution. It is responsible for the jurisdictional control of budget execution, in accordance with the article 216 of the Constitution “...The Court of Accounts is the supreme audit institution that controls the legality of public expenditure and rules on the accounts, which the law has ordered to be submitted to it.” The Court of Accounts provides oversight for all government procurement, including defence procurement.

There is also the Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement, including defence procurement, which was established in 2008 and provides oversight for defence procurement. Likewise, article 94 of the Constitution states that “the execution of the State Budget is audited by the Court of Accounts and by the National Assembly, which assesses and votes the State Account, after that Court pronunciation”.


Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde 2007. Final Report. Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

Bruce Baker 2006. ‘Cape Verde: The Most Democratic nation in Africa?’ Journal of Modern African Studies 44(4): 93-511.
Constitution of Cape Verde 1992. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Disagree

Comment: The role of the Court of Auditors (not accounts) ensures a fair intervention of the judicial sector on the control of the public procurement. In addition, the role of ARAP, since its creation and the very specialized and diversified level of its management board experts ensures in my opinion a higher level of accountability and integrity that the one the country assessor has indicated; therefore my opinion to raise one level the optimism in these State Institutions.

Suggested score: 3

Peer Reviewer-+


Are actual and potential defence purchases made public?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: No detailed budget was found surrounding current or planned military purchases. The website of the Ministry of Defence regularly publishes some documents (, but the newest documents have been published in 2012. It is unclear however if there is a policy of disclosing documents only after 3 years of their initial drafting, or if the website has stopped publishing documents at all in 2012.

Cape Verde's military budget is very little, amounting to around less than $9 million a year. The absence of large-scale military installations, operations and equipment makes it likely that there are no secret defence purchases.


SIPRI Military Expenditure Database. Retrieved online: Retrieved 9 August 2014. ‘Cape Verdean Military Budget.’ Retrieved online:
Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.
African Economic Outlook. ‘Cabo Verde 2014.’ Retrieved online:


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: No detailed budget was found surrounding current or planned military purchases. The website of the Ministry of Defence regularly publishes some documents (, but the newest documents have been published in 2012. It is unclear however if there is a policy of disclosing documents only after 3 years of their initial drafting, or if the website has stopped publishing documents at all in 2012.

Cape Verde's military budget is very little, amounting to around less than 9 million $ a year. The absence of large-scale military installations, operations and equipment makes it likely that there are no secret defence purchases.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: The detail made public is in accordance with the mandate of ARAP. In its annual activity reports, it is mentioned that the Armed Forces are putting forward their procurement plans for the next year, which seems to be quite an achievement in a country like Cape Verde.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


What procedures and standards are companies required to have - such as compliance programmes and business conduct programmes - in order to be able to bid for work for the Ministry of Defence or armed forces?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The researcher is not aware of any procedures or standards required of companies in order to bid for work for the Ministry of Defence or armed forces. However, the government of Cape Verde has been making consistent efforts to improve the conditions for foreign investment, promoting a transparent and competitive economic environment. The basic Cape Verdean foreign investment laws establish the principle of equal treatment for foreign investors and affirm the government’s commitment to the the creation of a dynamic business environment.


US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are procurement requirements derived from an open, well-audited national defence and security strategy?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Defence procurement appears to be at least formally derived from the National Defence and Security Strategy Concept. Public Procurement is regulated by 17/VII/2007 Law (the Act) approved in September 10, 2007 which became effective on January 1, 2008. The Act was followed by the following implementation decrees; decree-Law No: 15/2008 of May 8, 2008, creating the Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement (ARAP) and defining its statute to regulate, supervise, and resolve conflicts in public procurement; decree-law No: 1/2009 of January 5,2009, approving the regulation of public procurement law. With regards to institutional framework, the procurement law requires the creation of decentralised procurement units in individual ministries and other public institutions; a single central unit for goods common to several government departments, including security; and a central regulation agency to coordinate and monitor the overall procurement system. There is a Directorate General of Public Property and Public Contracts (DGPCP) whose role is providing oversight over public procurement in government institutions and to provide ext-ante controls to individual procurement management units (UGAs). However, due to lack of staffing, this functionality is significantly undermined. Furthermore the set up of the Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement (ARAP) as an independent regulatory authority responsible for elaborating procurement regulations, organising the training of procurement staff, handling claims, preparing manuals and standard documents, disseminating information about public contracts, organising independent audits, evaluating the overall performance of the procurement system and fighting corruption. The external control of public spending, however, remains inefficient; there is need for Cape Verde to improve the effectiveness of its General Finance Inspectorate (IGF) and to give more power to the Court of Auditors (CCT).


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are defence purchases based on clearly identified and quantified requirements?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: It is not clear how closely the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces base their major purchases on clearly identified requirements, although it is assessed likely that routine procedures exist and are followed to some extent. The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) notes that security and defence in Cape Verde accounts for 0.5 percent of the expenditure in the national budget. The State General Account provides tables that clearly reflect the expenditure in excess of the approved allocations. This expenditure is reported by administrative and economic classification. The Constitution of the Republic establishes in Part III that ‘the State Budget is unique and specifies all of the revenues and expenditures of the public administration sector, categorised according to organic and functional classifications. It also includes the social security budget.’ The Constitution further specifies that ‘the State Budget may be structured by annual or multi-annual programmes.' In 2013 China donated US$50 million to Cape Verde to purchase military equipment which would be used by the Coast Guard to patrol and observe the country’s territorial waters as well as assisting with efforts to fight the pervasive problem of drug trafficking in the country. In 2011, the United States African Command (AFRICOM) and the Cape Verdean Armed Forces signed a cooperation protocol in Praia worth US$200,000, for the acquisition of equipment for Cape Verde Coastguard patrol ships.


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

Adelino Handem. 2008. ’Cape Verde’ Chapter 4. In Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye and ‘Funmi Olonisakin (Eds.) Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa. Geneva Centre for the

Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF). 2008.

Macauhub. 2011. ‘AFRICOM donates US$200,000 for equipment for the Cape Verdean Coastguard.’ August 22.

Macauhub. 2013. ‘China donates $50 million to Cape Verde to purchase military equipment.’ May 16. Retrieved online:


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Is defence procurement generally conducted as open competition or is there a significant element of single-sourcing (that is, without competition)?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: No evidence that in legislation defence procurement is conducted as open competition was found. No mention of open competition in the allowing of contracts was found, but no mention of an otherwise policy was found either.

On the other hand, sourcing for small arms seems relatively diversified:


Republic of Cape Verde. 2007. ‘Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde 2007.’ Final Report.

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) 2008.


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: No evidence that in legislation defence procurement is conducted as open competition was found. No mention of open competition in the allowing of contracts was found, but no mention of an otherwise policy was found either.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Article 2 of the Dec-law 1/2009 of January 5 applies to all State entities, including obviously the defence sector; however, in accordance with sub-section (e) of section 2 of article 3 seems to exclude contracts whose execution should be accompanied of special security measures or, for national security purposes of Cape Verde. This provision, however, has limited scope and obeys to a series of constraints mentioned in section 3 of article 3 of the same Dec-Law.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are tender boards subject to regulations and codes of conduct and are their decisions subject to independent audit to ensure due process and fairness?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Tender boards in Cape Verde appear to be subject to some form of regulations and ethical code. The Court of Accounts (TC) is the supreme audit institution of Cape Verde. It is responsible for the jurisdictional control of budget execution, in accordance with the article 216 of the Constitution ‘… The Court of Accounts is the supreme audit institution that controls the legality of public expenditure and rules on the accounts, which the law has ordered to be submitted to it.’

There is also the Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement (ARAP) which is an independent regulatory authority responsible for elaborating procurement regulations, organising the training of procurement staff, handling claims, preparing manuals and standard documents, disseminating information about public contracts, organising independent audits, evaluating the overall performance of the procurement system and fighting corruption. Cape Verde’s infrastructural development has generated multiple allegations of corruption at the municipal and national levels. The audit system overall in Cape Verde is weak and suffers from delays and poor compliancy in the implementation of the inspection and of the recommendations.

No particular mention to the undertaking of audits of tender boards undertaken, the independence of the auditing body, the frequency of the audits and the public characters of their results was found.

Score changed from 3 to 1 in light of peer reviewers' comments.


Republic of Cape Verde. 2007. ‘Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde 2007.’ Final Report.

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

Freedom House. 2014. ‘Cape Verde.’


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Source states that the audit system overall in Cape Verde is weak and suffers from delays and poor compliancy in the implementation of the inspection and of the recommendations.

No particular mention to the undertaking of audits of tender boards undertaken, the independence of the auditing body, the frequency of the audits and the public characters of their results was found.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Audits are done on not so regular basis but nonetheless every year the ARAP conducts such auditing actions as it can be retrieved from the respective annual reports included in the ARAP website (

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Does the country have legislation in place to discourage and punish collusion between bidders for defence and security contracts?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The country appears to have a reasonably strong legislative system to discourage and punish collusive behaviour between defence and security bidders. There is the Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement (ARAP) which is an independent regulatory authority responsible for elaborating procurement regulations, organising the training of procurement staff, handling claims, preparing manuals and standard documents, disseminating information about public contracts, organising independent audits, evaluating the overall performance of the procurement system and fighting corruption. Public Procurement is regulated by 17/VII/2007 Law (the Act) approved in September 10, 2007 which became effective on January 1, 2008. The Act was followed by the following implementation decrees; decree-Law No: 15/2008 of May 8, 2008, creating the Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement (ARAP) and defining its statute to regulate, supervise, and resolve conflicts in public procurement; decree-law No: 1/2009 of January 5, 2009, approving the regulation of public procurement law. With regards to institutional framework, the procurement law requires the creation of decentralised procurement units in individual ministries and other public institutions; a single central unit for goods common to several government departments, including security; and a central regulation agency to coordinate and monitor the overall procurement system. There is a Directorate General of Public Property and Public Contracts (DGPCP) whose role is providing oversight over public procurement in government institutions and to provide ext-ante controls to individual procurement management units (UGAs). There is also the Penal Code which provides for a number of corruption-related sanctions.


African Development Bank 2013. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

The Constitution of Cape Verde 1992.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are procurement staff, in particular project and contract managers, specifically trained and empowered to ensure that defence contractors meet their obligations on reporting and delivery?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is no evidence that procurement staff, in particular project and contract managers, are specifically trained and empowered to ensure that defence contractors meet their obligations on reporting and delivery. Notwithstanding the relatively good procurement system and structures associated with Cape Verde’s current procurement rules and regulations, the problem of weak human capacity across the board means that the risk associated with the procurement sub-system, as well as ensuring that defence contractors meet their obligations on reporting and delivery, was assessed as moderate by the African Development Bank in March 2013.


African Development Bank 2013. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

The Constitution of Cape Verde 1992.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: ARAP is ensuring regular training to public officials, in particular through training sessions delivered by its officials and through international consultancy.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are there mechanisms in place to allow companies to complain about perceived malpractice in procurement, and are companies protected from discrimination when they use these mechanisms?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There appears to be adequate mechanisms in place to allow companies complain about perceived malpractice in procurement process. Within the Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement (ARAP) in Cape Verde, for example, there is a Dispute Settlement Committee tasked with arbitrating claims and complains presented by bidders and/or contractors. Besides the Public Procurement Law, there is decree-Law No: 15/2008 of May 8,2008, creating the Regulatory Agency for Pubic Procurement and defining its statute to regulate, supervise, and resolve complains and conflicts in public procurement; decree-Law No: 1/2009 of January 5,2009, approves the regulation of public procurement law. Cape Verdean government is committed to continuously improving the conditions for companies to operate and encouraging a more transparent and competitive economic environment. The researcher could not verify whether companies are actually protected from discrimination when they use these mechanisms.


African Development Bank 2013. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:
US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:
Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.
The Constitution of Cape Verde 1992.
Regulatory Agency for Public Procurement (ARAP), decree-Law No: 15/2008 of May 8,2008, ecree-Law No: 1/2009 of January 5,2009


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: No evidence that companies are protected formally from discrimination when they use mechanisms allowing companies to complain about perceived malpractice in procurement for genuine (non-malicious) complaints.

No evidence that companies that have attempted to complain have been unfairly disadvantaged or debarred from future procurement was found.

No evidence of the extent that these mechanisms are used by companies was found.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Law 1/2009 of January 5 in particular articles 135 and further, as well as in combination with Law 17-VII of 2007 and with the attributions of ARAP are key in the confirmation of the existing mechanisms to prevent complaints to be in disadvantage in case of complaints or appeals on the procurement procedure.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


What sanctions are used to punish the corrupt activities of a supplier?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is a range of punishment for corrupt activities on the part of suppliers in Cape Verde, ranging from rejection of proposal to legislative sanctions (e.g. fines or imprisonment). Corruption in Cape Verde is a crime punishable by law. Giving or accepting a bribe is a criminal act and conviction could result in up to eight years in prison. To combat corruption effectively, the Cape Verdean government established the High Authority Against Corruption that, along with the Judiciary Police, specifically targets and combats corruption. Parliament has also added three additional prosecutors to enforce the law. Cape Verde has several laws and regulations in place to fight corruption. Giving or accepting a bribe is a criminal act for which conviction could result in eight years imprisonment.

The enforcement of the law is however not always consistent.


Strategies, Industry Canada. Cape Verde Country Commercial Guide FY 2003: Invest Climate.

African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

Embassy of the United States. Praia: Cabo Verde., 2013


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


When negotiating offset contracts, does the government specifically address corruption risk by imposing due diligence requirements on contractors? Does the government follow up on offset contract performance and perform audits to check performance and integrity?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: No information was available on offset policies in Cape Verde. Given the size of its defence budget, their use is assessed to be highly unlikely.


International Monetary Funds (IMF). 2009. Staff Country Reports. IMF Country Reports No. 09/115.
Wikiversity. Comparative Law and Justice/ Cape Verde., Last modified 2014
Embassy of the United States. Praia: Cabo Verde., 2013


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: This is correct and in addition the Law 17-VII 2007 and the work of ARAP are key in this respect.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Does the government make public the details of offset programmes, contracts, and performance?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: No information was available on offset policies in Cape Verde. Given the size of its defence budget, their use is assessed to be highly unlikely.


US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:

The Constitution of Cape Verde 1992.

US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are offset contracts subject to the same level of competition regulation as the main contract?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: No information was available on offset policies in Cape Verde. Given the size of its defence budget, their use is assessed to be highly unlikely.


International Monetary Funds (IMF). 2009. Staff Country Reports. IMF Country Reports No. 09/115.

Embassy of the United States. Praia: Cabo Verde., 2013

US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:

Monetary Policy Report 2013. Banco de Cabo Verde.


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


How strongly does the government control the company's use of agents and intermediaries in the procurement cycle?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The researcher could not verify the extent to which the government control the company's use of agents and intermediaries in the procurement cycle with regards the defence and security sector.


African Development Bank 2012. ‘Country Strategy Paper 2014-2018.’ Retrieved online:

US Department of State 2011. 2011 Investment Climate Statement - Cape Verde.’ Retrieved online:

Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

Embassy of the United States. Praia: Cabo Verde.


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: No evidence about the control of company use of agents and intermediaries in the procurement cycle in legislation or policy by the government was found.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Oversight is delivered by ARAP.
Nothing in the legislation, in particular the Law 17-VII of 2007 and the Law 14-VII of 2012 seems to mention nothing about the control of the agents of the companies. The ARAP ensures the necessary oversight.

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


Are the principal aspects of the financing package surrounding major arms deals, (such as payment timelines, interest rates, commercial loans or export credit agreements) made publicly available prior to the signing of contracts?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: The law in Cape Verde generally provides for freedom of access to governmental information without restriction, provided that privacy rights are respected. The government frequently granted access. It is very likely that this freedom of access to government information includes principal aspects of the financing package surrounding major arms deals such as payment timelines and interest rates, and commercial loans. Freedom House granted Cape Verde two 1s in its annual Freedom in the World report for 2014, a perfect score. It is the only African country to receive this score. While government authorisation is needed to publish newspapers and other periodicals, freedom of the press is guaranteed in law and generally respected in practice. The independent press is small but vigorous, and there are several private and community-run radio stations. State-run media include radio and television stations. In May 2013 the president argued for the introduction of new legal procedures that ensure that the media has easier access to information from public institutions.


US Department of State. 2014. ‘2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices.’ Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online

Freedom House. 2014. ‘Cape Verde.’


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Disagree

Comment: The Armed Forces have been regularly informing the ARAP (Autoridade Reguladora das Aquisições Publicas) on public acquisitions including arms material. See the different activities reports from 2011, 2012 and 2013 at

Suggested score: 3

Peer Reviewer-+


Does the government formally require that the main contractor ensures subsidiaries and sub-contractors adopt anti-corruption programmes, and is there evidence that this is enforced?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: There is sufficient evidence that the government of Cape Verde encourages the main contractor to ensure that its subsidiaries adhere to corruption cleanup programmes in the country. The Government of Cape Verde granted a licence to Cape Verde Maritime Security Services (CVMSS) allowing the company exclusive rights to vet Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSCs) who want to use the island as a base for embarking and disembarking armed security teams.

On behalf of the Cape Verde Government, CVMSS undertakes checks to ensure PMSCs comply with agreed minimum standards in accordance with both local and international laws and regulations. These standards include requiring PMSCs to adopt anti-corruption programmes. By and large, the government has an investment climate that is free of corruption and that is sufficiently transparent. According to the International Finance Corporation’s Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS), firms in Cape Verde were considerably less concerned about areas of the investment climate, such as corruption, macroeconomic instability and administrative regulation.

The government of Cape Verde does not formally require that the main contractor ensures subsidiaries and sub-contractors adopt anti-corruption programmes, and there is no track record of enforcement.


Public Expenditure and Financial Management (PEFA) 2007. Assessment of Public Finance Management in Cape Verde — PEFA 2007. Final Report.

Embassy of the United States. Praia: Cabo Verde.

US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online


Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree


Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+


How common is it for defence acquisition decisions to be based on political influence by selling nations?

Researcher + Peer Reviewer4237: Acquisitions in defence are independent of political influence. Small exceptions can be observed but those are due to the existence of bilateral agreements with different external actors such as the EU, the CPLP countries in Africa and some emerging markets such as Brazil and China.
It is important to state again the role of the ARAP in the controlling of the public acquisitions, in particular the activity report from 2011 where the Armed Forces are among those institutions that gave all details on the acquisitions.


US Department of State. 2014. 2013 Country Report on Human Rights Practices. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour. Retrieved online
United States African Command. 2014. ‘Cape Verde Signs ACSA with DOD.’ US AFRICOM Public Affairs, Stuttgart, Germany, April 7.


Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Source, and indicate that the military links between Cape Verde and its former colonial power Portugal remain very strong. However, this proximity exists in other fields of government action (, and no strong evidence that this political proximity led to non-relevant military purchases was found.

Suggested score:

Researcher + Peer Reviewer-+

Opinion: Agree with Comments

Comment: Acquisitions in defence are independent of political influence. Small exceptions can be observed but those are due to the existence of bilateral agreements with different external actors such as the EU, the CPLP countries in Africa and some emerging markets such as Brazil and China. In this respect see especially page 27 of the publication (or page 38 of the online document) in &quoute;acordos/parcerias comerciais&quoute;.
It is important to state again the role of the ARAP in the controlling of the public acquisitions, in particular the activity report from 2011 where the Armed Forces are among those institutions that gave all details on the acquisitions ( And also
See also:

Suggested score:

Peer Reviewer-+